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Vol. 01 No. 1, November 2001

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    Contents - Belphégor Vol 1 No 1
    (2001-11) Frigerio, Vittorio
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  • ItemOpen Access
    Belphégor's Motives
    (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre., 2001-11) Frigerio, Vittorio
    This article introduces Belphégor a journal covering popular literature and popular culture..
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    Mickey, Le Journal de Mickey and the Birth of the Popular BD
    (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2001) Grove, Laurence
    The unprecedented success of Paul Winckler's Journal de Mickey, launched in 1934, was to change the face of what we now see as the bande dessinée industry. This paper will suggest that the success was dependent not only on the use of cheap syndicated imports, but also the careful modelling and 'Frenchifying' of the journal in which they appeared. The formula lasted well beyond the specific economic and political requirements of the 1930s, as our brief survey from Le Téméraire to Pilote will show.
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    Information, médias et récit médiatique
    (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2001) Lits, Marc
    Information is a product with a cultural dimension, representing an economic value and circulating trans-nationally. This mediatized information (divulged by micro-narratives that we both consume and contribute to create) is one of the main locuses where the contents of the imagination of our contemporary societies are created.
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    Lecture sentimentale en abîme: De quelques couvertures de Nous Deux
    (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2001) Giet, Sylvette
    In the field of women's magazines, often illustrated "romance magazines" which offer almost exclusively love stories, Nous Deux, one among the most representative weeklies of this genre, sets itself apart from its competitors by the use of color-drawings (from 1947 to 1972) and afterwards of photographs on its covers, presenting a couple in a potentially sentimental situation. Among this huge number of covers, 68 can be found that represent the couple in some kind of a relationship with the printed page. The goal of this article is to examine the connections between a publishing formula, a repertory of texts and a certain representation of the public, through the study of advertisements for certain titles (generally issued by the same publisher), the representation of book and magazine-buying habits, and the representation of the act of reading in general and the reading of Nous Deux in particular. In short, we aim to study an imaginary notion of reading that makes of this activity an art of pleasure and relaxation more than an intellectual pursuit, and a means of communication within the couple as much as a means of isolating the couple from the world.
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    Les Embarras de l'historien
    (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2001) Kalifa, Dominique
    "Cultural history" is becoming more and more accepted, but in spite of this increasing recognition, the history of the present still faces specific methodological problems. Three approaches dominate. The history of material production (publishing, the press, audiovisual media) has been the focus of much attention. The social history of culture (elaboration, circulation, consumption) has also seen some excellent research, but much remains to be done, particularly with regard to the XXth century. Finally, the analysis and interpretation of content is still seen with suspicion by some historians, but represents a potentially very fruitful area that deserves further exploration. A combination of these three methods would appear to be the best way of approaching the study of media culture.
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    Aspects de la production culturelle au XIXe siècle: formes, rythmes, usages », sous la dir. de D. Kalifa, 1999 (Revue d'histoire du XIXe siècle, no 19)
    (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2001) Hanot, Muriel
    We need first of all to define the notion of narrative based on the models of textual linguistics, and to examine how this notion can be applied to media analysis. If the journalist becomes as much the objective narrator of the event as the one who gives it a narrative form, how does he integrate the question of emotion within the rise of infotainment? Also, how is it possible for the journalist to guarantee a narrative configuration able to make information comprehensible when information becomes more and more continuous and live? These are crucial questions at a time when the development of multimedia tools causes the sources of information to proliferate, and destroys the distinction between producer and consumer in a problematic circulation of different points of view.
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    Livros de Magia
    (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2001) Pires-Ferreira, Jerusa
    Dans l'édition populaire sud-américaine, et dans la brésilienne en particulier, les livres de magie jouissent encore de nos jours d'un succès certain. L'ensemble de ces ouvrages constitue de fait une sorte de trame de la religion des masses urbaines, où il est difficile de distinguer entre ce qui est original et ce qui est imposé ou récupéré. L'assimilation pendant les siècles d'influences étrangères, dont notamment la littérature française de colportage, a créé un effet de collage qui se perpétue dans un contexte médiatique. Cet article propose un voyage guidé dans le monde de ces publications populaires, livres pratiques, porteurs de recettes pour améliorer l'existence des lecteurs a travers des pactes avec des puissances surnaturelles ou diaboliques. Il s'agit d'écrits toujours identiques car basés sur une culture traditionnelle présentée comme éternellement vraie, et nouveaux par leur habileté à se présenter sous des formes éditoriales et linguistiques différentes selon les publics visés.
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    Le Terrain des images
    (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2001) Grivel, Charles
    Image is essential for a society to see itself. A new domain appears, the "visual", made up of what is made in order to be seen, which we can understand through its representation. This domain is dependent upon its support. The support par excellence of the image, in our society, has been the book, illustrated both within and without. The popularization of the literary circuit causes the illustration of the text, which in turn remodels the text through fragmentation, acceleration and allegorization.
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    Medienkultur und Populärliteraturen
    (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2001) Turschmann, Jorg
    In Germany, cultural research as such dates from the beginning of the twentieth century. As for the study of media in an independent scientific context, it only harks back to the nineteen-sixties. However, research on cultural memory, the sociology of knowledge, critical philosophy and media studies have a common focus that allows for the emergence of a science of media culture: the idea that social systems follow the models of communication systems. Two broad theoretical orientations can be identified within the history of these various disciplines. On the one hand, a critical approach towards the "industry of culture" (Frankfurt school), on the other, a more optimistic, positive or "neutral" approach that sees a society based on the free exchange of information as a beacon of democratization (Systems theory). The conjunction of these apparently incompatible positions allows for the elaboration of a theory of culture as a communication program. The huge mass of literary studies on the book makes possible a connection with the tradition of the sciences of communication and with media culture. The book-program, a constitutive element of the culture-program, prescribes the mode of literary communication. In popular culture, the multiplicity of literary acts of communication reassures society as a whole, through a relatively constant set of conservative values and providential imagery. On this basis, popular literatures (in the plural, since they stimulate a wide array of common acts through numerous programmatic forms) are connected to the book as an archetype of the materialization of written literature. However, the book, due to its position between sender and receiver, realizes in practice only one of many means of illustrating social values.
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    Il caso Salgari e gli studi paraletterari in Italia
    (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2001) Galli-Mastrodonato, Paola
    By focusing first on the contemporary theories of literary criticism in Italy devoted to popular and mass culture, the author then reviews studies and scholarship related to Emilio Salgari (1862-1911), considered the greatest Italian adventure novelist and best-selling champion of all times. Some themes and "novel cycles" stand out: the "Indian/Malaysian" one centred on the famous pirate Sandokan, the "Buccaneer" or Caribbean one with the "Corsaro Nero" as the central character, the "Far-West" cycle, the North-African cycle, the "guerrilla" cycle set in the Philippines at the time of the U.S.-Spanish War, etc. The author then analyzes a single novel of the "Indian cycle", Le due Tigri (1904), set at the time of the Great Mutiny (1857), and shows Salgari's anti-colonial and progressive stance. As a "case" within Italian literary history, Salgari's role as a media phenomenon still needs to be seriously investigated.
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    Cinquante ans de couvertures de Sélection du Reader's Digest
    (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2001) Cottour, Thierry
    This article presents the rivalry between text and image within the Reader's Digest magazine and argues that the choice of cover illustrations - particularly in the French version of the magazine - was able to foster a unique sentimental attachment on the part of the readers. The rationale for the choice of illustrations is explained as, on the one hand, the indispensable disguise of an American product wanting to be accepted in a European market, and on the other as a bridge between everyday reality and the realm of the imagination. The article deals with several aspects of the magazine's development: how it adapted to its French readership, the pull between text and image, the difficult relationship of the editors with their American owners, and finally the switch from covers with a French theme to images steeped in the "American dream".
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    Le Dispositif des couvertures
    (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2001) Giet, Sylvette
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    Les raisons de Belphégor
    (Electronic Text Centre, 2001-11) Frigerio, Vittorio