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Distribution and abundance of mysids in the Cumberland Basin, upper Bay of Fundy




Prouse, N. J.
Nova Scotian Institute of Science

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Dalhousie Printing Centre


The distribution and abundance of two species of mysids, Neomysis americana and Mysis stenolepis, in the Cumberland Basin was studied on monthly cruises from March to October 1981 and 1982. Maximum numbers and biomass occurred in summer and ea rly fall respecti ve ly, with lower values in March and October. N. americana was the dominant species, ave raging up to 10 adults m·•; this species produced two generations per year, the first in May-June and the second overwintering generation in September-October. M. stenolepis produced one generation per year in May-June. Despite high turbidity and tidal currents, adult M. stenolepis demonstrated limited vertical migration, with greater numbers observed in the upper 2m at night than in daylight hours. Spartina detritus was present in the gut of mysids t hroughout the study and suspended in the water at concentrations t ha t potentially could support the mysid populations.


Includes b&w map; b&w tables; b&w charts; bibliographic references


Ecology, Biology, Nova Scotia, Bay of Fundy, Mysids, Cumberland Basin


Prouse, N.J. (1986). Distribution and abundance of mysids in the Cumberland Basin, upper Bay of Fundy. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, 36(1), 1-11.