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Heat flow in the Balearic and Tyrrhenian basins, western Mediterranean




Hutchison, I.
Von Herzen, R. P.
Louden, K. E.
Sclater, J. G.
Jemsek, J.

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Presents the results of three detailed heat flow surveys which are used to investigate the variations of heat flow and age of the Balearic and Tyrrhenian basins in the western Mediterranean. The heat flow values are within the range predicted by simple plate cooling models for the Late Miocene ages of the deep Tyrrhenian basin. Thus the observations suggest that although the mode of crustal formation of these deep marginal basins is less well defined than that of the major ocean basins, the thermal signature is similar. Also, the trend of increasing heat flow from west to east through the Balearic and Tyrrhenian basins is discussed. In all three areas the measured flux shows significant local variability



Geochronology, Oceanic crust, Terrestrial heat


This article first appeared in: Hutchison, I., R. P. Von Herzen, K. E. Louden, J. G. Sclater, et al. 1985. "Heat flow in the Balearic and Tyrrhenian basins, western Mediterranean." Journal of Geophysical Research 90: 685-701. DOI: 10.1029/JB090iB01p00685
