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An Examination of 4th and 5th Grade Children’s Conceptualization of Neighbourhoods in Halifax Nova Scotia




Ojoleck, Adrean

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This study utilizes artistic expression, written description and verbal communication through interviews to better understand children's conceptualizations of neighbourhood. This conceptualization is used to determine how children define a neighbourhood, what children value in a neighbourhood, and whether aspects of nature are currently a part of their understanding of the area that they live in. Results from this study indicate that conceptualization of neighbourhood is primarily grounded in the children’s sense of home, and opportunities for socializing or play, as seen through the importance of built play areas, parks and abundant references to familiar houses. The aforementioned combination infers a sense of community throughout the analysis. This adds to the body of knowledge in the area of children’s perception of neighbourhoods as well as some understanding in terms of their biophilic relationship with nature.


ENVS 4902 Environmental Science Undergraduate Honours Thesis

