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The Public Domain: Setting the Stage + The "Public Domain Ball: A Copyright Murder Mystery"




Brin, Lise
Grande-Sherbert, Marty

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Lise Brin will start off this session with a short review of the history and role of the public domain. Then Marty will give some background as to the play's origins and aims.


"The Public Domain Ball" is Marty Grande-Sherbert’s original one-act play about the "death plus 70 years" extension of copyright that was applied to works under the Copyright Act in 2022. Due to this amendment of the Act, many creative works scheduled to enter the public domain were suddenly halted for another 20 years. This engaging and amusing play uses the analogy of a "murder mystery" to present an engaging educational approach to the importance of the public domain for creative innovation. The cast of characters, all in the public domain (Sherlock Holmes, Dracula, Alice in Wonderland and others), comes together and attempts to uncover why many newly scheduled characters aren't attending this year's "Public Domain Ball." Lise Brin will start off this session with a short review of the history and role of the public domain. Then Marty will give some background as to the play's origins and aims.

