Demonstration of the deposition and modification of dietary fatty acids in pinniped blubber using radiolabelled precursors
Budge, SM
Cooper, MH
Iverson, Sara J.
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Radioisotopes are commonly used to study the in vivo metabolism and deposition of dietary fatty
acids in adipose tissue. The application of this approach to pinnipeds is problematic because of
their large mass and blubber fat content. We have developed a method where labelled lipids can be
fed to seals at financially feasible levels, with the radioactivity in individual fatty acids
isolated from blubber detected with standard laboratory equipment. A combination of techniques
including argentation thin layer chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography with
ultraviolet detection, and independent liquid scintillation counting were employed. Juvenile gray
seals (Halichoerus grypus) were fed either 0.5 mCi H-3-labelled triolein (18:1n-9, n=2) or palmitic
acid (16:0, n=2). Blubber samples were taken 12 h later, and the radioactivity in individual fatty
acids was determined. Radioactivity was detected in only 18:1 from the animals fed H-3-labelled
triolein, indicating direct deposition without modification. Both animals fed H-3-labelled palmitic
acid showed clear peaks of radioactivity in 16:0; however, there was also significant activity
(23%-29%) found in the desaturation product 16:1. Our results demonstrate that this method is
sufficiently sensitive to track the deposition of labelled dietary lipids as well as modification
products of ingested fatty acids and will be important in the application of fatty acid signatures
to study predator diets.
Budge, SM, MH Cooper, and SJ Iverson. 2004. "Demonstration of the deposition and modification of dietary fatty acids in pinniped blubber
using radiolabelled precursors." Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 77(4): 682-687. Copyright © 2004 The University of Chicago Press.