Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 13(2), 1934
Medical Society of Nova Scotia
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Nova Scotia Medical Society
pp. 59-102
Abscess, Brain, Acute pancreatitis [Case report] [Title], Aneurysms, Aspirin poisoning [Case report] [Title], Barbrick, John F., Before and after operation [Title], Benefits of preventive medicine [Title], Blood Transfusion, Brean, John Seward, Calder, A., Cardiovascular Diseases, Child health and the Depression [Title], Digestive System Diseases, Encephalitis symptomatic of brain abscess [Case report] [Title], Genital Diseases, Female, Grant, Donald MacDonald, Hayes, Joseph, Hydatidiform moles [Case report] [Title], Interstitial pregnancy [Case report] [Title], Johnstone, Lewis W., Their indications, method, and interpretation with special reference to the requirements of the general practitioner: blood group determination for transfusion [Title], Laboratory examinations, Late ectopic pregnancy with intraligamentary insertion of placenta [Case report], Lawlor, F.E., MacDonald, Alexander A., MacDonald, Daniel Robert, MacDonald, Eric Wallace, MacKay, Murray, MacLean, John J., MacLeod, F.T., McKeough, William Thomas, McLeod, M.D., Medical ramblings and comments [Title], Meech, L.R., Miller, B.L., Morton, Allan Reid, Murray, Daniel, Department of Public Health, Patton, W.W., Poetry, Poisoning, Pregnancy Complications, Neoplastic, Prolapsed kidney presenting gastric symptoms [Case report] [Title], Public Health, Quack doctors face trial in United States, Quackery, Roy, A.K., Rupture of aneurism involving whole aortic arch also Healed fusiform aneurism of the descending thoracic aorta [Case report] [Title], Ruptured small intestine [Case report], Scotzin, John V., Smith, Ralph P., Sponagle, John Addy, Surgical Procedures, Operative, Tompkins, M.D., Urologic Diseases, Uterine fibroids and pregnancy [Title], Virus Diseases, Wounds and Injuries
Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 13(2), 1934