Evaluating Canadian Municipal Energy & Climate Mitigation Plans: Content analysis and potential for effectiveness in small and mid-sized Canadian communities
Zukowski, Jordan
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Energy and climate change mitigation plans from 14 Canadian communities across four provinces were evaluated via plan coding to determine general content and potential for effectiveness. Plans provided sufficient background information on the local context of GHG reduction planning, providing justification for the mitigation action items plans selected to pursue. Fitting mitigation actions into the local climate planning context suggested a high potential for effectiveness. GHG reduction targets varied greatly across plans considered, and within each province. The presence of some high reduction targets aimed to be completed over short time frames introduces doubt in a plan’s effectiveness. The presence of provincial reduction targets and various challenges identified by communities were thought to contribute to effectiveness. Communities located in a province possessing a provincial target, and communities facing less challenges from phenomena outside of their control, are more likely to have effective plans due to fewer barriers present. The 14 plans considered lacked sufficient implementation and monitoring strategies. Without a detailed plan for how to carry out GHG reduction actions and follow-up on the success of those actions, potential for plan effectiveness decreases.
Zukowski, Jordan. (2016). Evaluating Canadian Municipal Energy & Climate Mitigation Plans: Content analysis and potential for effectiveness in small and mid-sized Canadian communities. Halifax N. S.: Dalhousie University.