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Marine Affairs Policy Forum - August 2013




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As the next generation of ocean leaders, the Masters of Marine Man-agement class of 2013 hosted the Sustainable Oceans conference at Dalhousie University (April 12-13). With the support of the Sobey Fund for Oceans, the conference created a platform for cross-sector dialogue between government and industry representatives, local citizens, scien-tists, non-profit organizations, and students (hereafter the public). The aim of this conference was to develop a strong collaborative voice on ways to move forward on ocean sustainability. The conference in-cluded a keynote speaker, Sarika Cullis-Suzuki, a panel discussion, with a range of individuals from the public, and several student presenta-tions. Most relevant to achieving the conference’s aim, two unique fora were used to engage the public: (i) a dream wall, and (ii) a workshop to draft a blueprint for building bridges in ocean management.


Marine Affairs Policy Forum


Conference, Management, Ocean, Marine Affairs Program,
