Individual variation in Atlantic salmon fertilization success: Implications for effective population size
Jones, MW
Hutchings, Jeffrey Alexander
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Mating structure can influence the variance in individual reproductive success, which in turn
has important implications for a population's effective size. Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
males are characterized by alternative reproductive strategies, maturing as small parr in fresh
water and/or as considerably larger anadromous males following a migration to sea. The potential for
significant variation in individual reproductive success L in both sexes is high. We established two
experimental crosses each involving four anadromous females, four anadromous males, and 20 mature
male parr in a seminatural spawning environment. We used hyper-variable microsatellite loci to
identify the parents of 755 embryos and to quantify the variance in individual fertilization
success. Anadromous males generally dominated fertilization success, with a mean individual
fertilization success of 15.7% and 19.3% in replicates A and B, respectively, as compared with 1.9%
and 1.2% for the mature male part. There was no relationship between individual mature male parr
size and individual fertilization success in any individual nest, nor was there any relationship
between anadromous male size and individual fertilization success in either replicate. There was
some evidence of size being an important determinant of both the frequency of spawning and the
overall individual parr fertilization success among those parr identified as having spawned,
although these relationships were not always significant. Both anadromous males and females were
identified as having spawned with multiple partners, although the frequency of multiple anadromous
males spawning simultaneously with a female was low. Fertilization of eggs by parr can significantly
increase the effective number of males on a nest-by-nest basis; however, the variance in individual
anadromous male fertilization success appears to have the greatest overall influence on effective
population size.
Jones, MW, and JA Hutchings. 2002. "Individual variation in Atlantic salmon fertilization success: Implications for effective
population size." Ecological Applications 12(1): 184-193.