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Experiences of Food Insecurity Among Older Women in Rural Nova Scotia




McKay, Madeleine

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Older, rural-dwelling women in Canada are at risk of food insecurity, given their longer life spans and vulnerability to poverty; however, there is little research exploring their experiences. Nova Scotia is of interest as it has high rates of food insecurity, a rapidly aging population, and is a largely rural region. This study explored how older women (age 65 and above) in rural Nova Scotia (who had used a food bank within five years of the study) experienced food insecurity. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven participants, and data were analyzed using thematic coding and analysis. Barriers to food security were identified, as were strategies for persevering through food insecurity. The women demonstrated resilience, but many of their strategies for surviving food insecurity were necessitated by inequitable policies (e.g., inadequate public pensions). Findings from this study may contribute to literature and policies on reducing food insecurity for older, rural women.



Food Security, Rural, Health, Aging, Gender
