Now showing items 1-18 of 18

  • Coupled-power theory of nonlinear distributed-feedback lasers, yielding reduced longitudinal spatial hole burning 

    Wang, Jing-Yi, Michael Cada, and Toshihiko Makino. 1998. "Coupled-power theory of nonlinear distributed-feedback lasers, yielding reduced longitudinal spatial hole burning." Applied Physics Letters 72(25): 3255-3257.
    The authors present an analysis of the nonlinear distributed-feedback (DFB) laser action, derive a set of nonlinear coupled-power equations, and obtain a general condition for a nonlinear DFB laser with reduced spatial ...
  • Gamma-ray spectroscopy with relativistic exotic heavy-ions 

    Mandal, Samit, J. Gerl, H. Geissel, K. Hauschild, et al. 2001. "Gamma-ray spectroscopy with relativistic exotic heavy-ions." Pramana - Journal of Physics 57(1): 161-164.
    Feasibility of gamma-ray spectroscopy at relativistic energies with exotic heavy-ions and new generation of germanium detectors (segmented Clover) is discussed. An experiment with such detector array and radioactive is discussed.
  • Photoneutron cross sections for unstable neutron-rich oxygen isotopes 

    Leistenschneider, A., T. Aumann, K. Boretzky, D. Cortina, et al. 2001. "Photoneutron cross sections for unstable neutron-rich oxygen isotopes." Physical Review Letters 86(24): 5442-5445.
    The evolution of giant dipole strength with neutron excess for the neutron-rich oxygen isotopes from A=17 to A=22 was measured systematically. It was found through all neutron-rich oxygen isotopes investigated that the ...
  • Angular momentum population in the fragmentation of Pb-208 at 1 GeV/nucleon 

    Pfutzner, M., PH Regan, PM Walker, M. Caamano, et al. 2002. "Angular momentum population in the fragmentation of Pb-208 at 1 GeV/nucleon." Physical Review C 65(6): 064604-064604.
    No abstract available.
  • Vertical nanowire light-emitting diode 

    Konenkamp, R., Robert C. Word, and C. Schlegel. 2004. "Vertical nanowire light-emitting diode." Applied Physics Letters 85(24): 6004-6006.
    We report room-temperature, white-color electroluminescence in vertically oriented ZnO nanowires. Excitonic luminescence around 380 nm is observed as a shoulder on a broader defect-related band covering all of the visible ...
  • Signal reception for space-time differentially encoded transmissions over FIR rich multipath channels 

    Zhang, Z., and J. Ilow. 2004. "Signal reception for space-time differentially encoded transmissions over FIR rich multipath channels." Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing 2004(5): 629-639.
    No abstract available.
  • Two-dimensional metallo-dielectric photonic crystals embedded in anodic porous alumina for optical wavelengths 

    Takayama, O., and M. Cada. 2004. "Two-dimensional metallo-dielectric photonic crystals embedded in anodic porous alumina for optical wavelengths." Applied Physics Letters 85(8): 1311-13.
    A theoretical study is presented for hexagonal lattice metallic pillar photonic crystals in anodic porous alumina with a lattice constant of 500 nm. The objective of the investigation is to design a two-dimensional ...
  • Switching mirror in the CdTe-based photonic crystal 

    Cada, M.. 2005. "Switching mirror in the CdTe-based photonic crystal." Applied Physics Letters 87(1): 11102-1.
    Theoretical investigations, modeling and design of a Bragg mirror (photonic crystal structure) in the CdTe-based material system are presented. It is shown that, in addition to the third-order nonlinearity (Kerr-like ...
  • A portable MIMO testbed and selected channel measurements 

    Goud, Paul, Jr., Robert Hang, Dmitri Truhachev, and Christian Schlegel. 2006. "A portable MIMO testbed and selected channel measurements." Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing: 51490-51490.
    No abstract available.
  • A portable MIMO testbed and selected channel measurements 

    Goud, Paul, Jr., Robert Hang, Dmitri Truhachev, and Christian Schlegel. 2006. "A portable MIMO testbed and selected channel measurements." Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing: 51490-51490.
    No abstract available.
  • In-beam gamma ray and conversion electron study of Fm-250 

    Bastin, JE, RD Herzberg, PA Butler, GD Jones, et al. 2006. "In-beam gamma ray and conversion electron study of Fm-250." Physical Review C 73(2): 024308-024308.
    No abstract available.
  • Direct observation of quantum coherence in single-molecule magnets 

    Schlegel, C., J. Van Slageren, M. Manoli, E. K. Brechin, et al. 2008. "Direct observation of quantum coherence in single-molecule magnets." Physical Review Letters 101(14).
    Direct evidence of quantum coherence in a single-molecule magnet in a frozen solution is reported with coherence times as long as T2=63030ns. We can strongly increase the coherence time by modifying the matrix in which the ...
  • Gd-based single-ion magnets with tunable magnetic anisotropy: Molecular design of spin qubits 

    Martinez-Perez, M., S. Cardona-Serra, C. Schlegel, F. Moro, et al. 2012. "Gd-based single-ion magnets with tunable magnetic anisotropy: Molecular design of spin qubits." Physical Review Letters 108(24).
    We report ac susceptibility and continuous wave and pulsed EPR experiments performed on GdW10 and GdW30 polyoxometalate clusters, in which a Gd3+ ion is coordinated to different polyoxometalate moieties. Despite the isotropic ...
  • A Genetic and Simulated Annealing Combined Algorithm for Optimization of Wideband Antenna Matching Networks 

    Chen, Aixin, Tiehua Jiang, Zhizhang Chen, and Yanjun Zhang. 2012. "A Genetic and Simulated Annealing Combined Algorithm for Optimization of Wideband Antenna Matching Networks." International Journal of Antennas and Propagation: 251624-251624.
    No abstract available.
  • Traceable dynamic measurement of mechanical quantities: Objectives and first results of this european project 

    Bartoli, C., M. F. Beug, T. Bruns, C. Elster, et al. 2012. "Traceable dynamic measurement of mechanical quantities: Objectives and first results of this european project." International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering 3(3): 127-135.
    Nine european national metrology institutes (NMIs) are collaborating in a new project funded by the european metrology research programme (EMRP) to establish traceable dynamic measurement of the mechanical quantities force, ...
  • Design of Multilevel Sequential Rotation Feeding Networks Used for Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna Arrays 

    Chen, Aixin, Chuo Yang, Zhizhang Chen, Yanjun Zhang, et al. 2012. "Design of Multilevel Sequential Rotation Feeding Networks Used for Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna Arrays." International Journal of Antennas and Propagation: 304816-304816.
    No abstract available.
  • Overview on Multipattern and Multipolarization Antennas for Aerospace and Terrestrial Applications 

    Chen, Aixin, Weiwei Jiang, Zhizhang Chen, and Jiaheng Wang. 2013. "Overview on Multipattern and Multipolarization Antennas for Aerospace and Terrestrial Applications." International Journal of Antennas and Propagation: 102925-102925.
    No abstract available.