Now showing items 181-200 of 211

  • Most Submillimetre Galaxies are Major Mergers 

    Engel, H., L. J. Tacconi, R. I. Davies, R. Neri, et al. 2010. "Most Submillimetre Galaxies are Major Mergers." The Astrophysical Journal 724(1):233.
    We analyse subarcsecond resolution interferometric CO line data for twelve sub-millimetre-luminous (S850um > 5mJy) galaxies with redshifts between 1 and 3, presenting new data for four of them. Morphologically and kinematically ...
  • The SCUBA HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) - IV: Radio-mm-FIR photometric redshifts 

    Aretxaga, Itziar, David H. Hughes, Kristen Coppin, Angela M. J. Mortier, et al. 2007. "The SCUBA HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) - IV: Radio-mm-FIR photometric redshifts." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 379(4): 1571-1588
    We present the redshift distribution of the SHADES galaxy population based on the rest-frame radio-mm-FIR colours of 120 robustly detected 850um sources in the Lockman Hole East (LH) and Subaru XMM-Newton Deep Field (SXDF). ...
  • Evidence for a Major Merger Origin of High Redshift Sub-millimeter Galaxies 

    Conselice, Christopher J., Scott C. Chapman, and Rogier A. Windhorst. 2003. "Evidence for a Major Merger Origin of High Redshift Sub-millimeter Galaxies." The Astrophysical Journal 596(1): 5-L8
    Sub-mm detected galaxies located at redshifts $z > 1$ host a major fraction of the bolometric luminosity at high redshifts due to thermal emission from heated dust grains, yet the nature of these objects remains a mystery. ...
  • Herschel-PACS observations of [OI]63um towards submillimetre galaxies at z 1 

    Coppin, Kristen, Alice Danielson, James E. Geach, Jacqueline Hodge, et al. 2012. "Herschel-PACS observations of [OI]63um towards submillimetre galaxies at z 1." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 427:520.
    We present Herschel-PACS spectroscopy of the [OI]63um far-infrared cooling line from a sample of six unlensed and spectroscopically-confirmed 870um-selected submillimetre (submm) galaxies (SMGs) at 1.13, tentatively detect ...
  • The Hubble Space Telescope GOODS NICMOS Survey: Overview and the Evolution of Massive Galaxies at 1.5 < z < 3 

    Conselice, C. J., A. F. L. Bluck, F. Buitrago, A. E. Bauer, et al. 2010. "The Hubble Space Telescope GOODS NICMOS Survey: Overview and the Evolution of Massive Galaxies at 1.5 < z < 3." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 413:80.
    We present the details and early results from a deep near-infrared survey utilising the NICMOS instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope centred around massive M_* > 10^11 M_0 galaxies at 1.7 10^11 M_0, whereby we find an ...
  • The SCUBA HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) -- II. Submillimetre maps, catalogue and number counts 

    Coppin, K., E. L. Chapin, A. M. J. Mortier, S. E. Scott, et al. 2006. "The SCUBA HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) -- II. Submillimetre maps, catalogue and number counts." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 372(4): 1621-1652
    We present the maps, source catalogue and number counts of the largest, most complete and unbiased extragalactic submillimetre survey ever undertaken: the 850-micron SCUBA HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES). Using ...
  • An 850-micron SCUBA map of the Groth Strip and reliable source extraction 

    Coppin, Kristen, Mark Halpern, Douglas Scott, Colin Borys, et al. 2005. "An 850-micron SCUBA map of the Groth Strip and reliable source extraction." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 357(3): 1022-1028
    We present an 850-micron map and list of candidate sources in a 70 arcmin^2 sub-area of the Groth Strip observed using SCUBA. We initially detect 7 candidate sources with signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) between 3.0 and 3.5 ...
  • Detection of molecular gas in a distant submillimetre galaxy at z=4.76 with ATCA 

    Coppin, Kristen, Scott Chapman, Ian Smail, Mark Swinbank, et al. 2010. "Detection of molecular gas in a distant submillimetre galaxy at z=4.76 with ATCA." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 407:103
    We have detected the CO(2-1) transition from the submillimetre galaxy (SMG) LESSJ033229.4-275619 at z=4.755 using the new Compact Array Broadband Backend system on the Australian Telescope Compact Array. These data have ...
  • The SCUBA HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) -- VI. 350 micron mapping of submillimetre galaxies 

    Coppin, Kristen, Mark Halpern, Douglas Scott, Colin Borys, et al. 2008. "The SCUBA HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) -- VI. 350 micron mapping of submillimetre galaxies." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 384(4):1597-1610
    A follow-up survey using the Submillimetre High-Angular Resolution Camera (SHARC-II) at 350 microns has been carried out to map the regions around several 850 micron-selected sources from the Submillimetre HAlf Degree ...
  • The Three-Dimensional Structure of the M31 Satellite System; Strong Evidence for an Inhomogeneous Distribution of Satellites 

    Conn, Anthony R., Geraint F. Lewis, Rodrigo A. Ibata, Quentin A. Parker, et al. 2013. "The Three-Dimensional Structure of the M31 Satellite System; Strong Evidence for an Inhomogeneous Distribution of Satellites." The Astrophysical Journal 766(2):120.
    We undertake an investigation into the spatial structure of the M31 satellite system utilizing the distance distributions presented in a previous publication. These distances make use of the unique combination of depth and ...
  • A Bayesian Approach to Locating the Red Giant Branch Tip Magnitude (Part II); Distances to the Satellites of M31 

    Conn, Anthony R., Rodrigo A. Ibata, Geraint F. Lewis, Quentin A. Parker, et al. 2012. "A Bayesian Approach to Locating the Red Giant Branch Tip Magnitude (Part II); Distances to the Satellites of M31." The Astrophysical Journal 758:11.
    In `A Bayesian Approach to Locating the Red Giant Branch Tip Magnitude (PART I),' a new technique was introduced for obtaining distances using the TRGB standard candle. Here we describe a useful complement to the technique ...
  • The masses of Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies: The death of the universal mass profile 

    Collins, Michelle L. M., Scott C. Chapman, R. M. Rich, Rodrigo A. Ibata, et al. 2013. "The masses of Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies: The death of the universal mass profile." The Astrophysical Journal 783(1):7.
    We investigate the claim that all dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) reside within halos that share a common, universal mass profile as has been derived for dSphs of the Galaxy. By folding in kinematic information for 25 ...
  • The scatter about the "Universal" dwarf spheroidal mass profile: A kinematic study of the M31 satellites, And V and And VI 

    Collins, M. L. M., S. C. Chapman, R. M. Rich, R. A. Ibata, et al. 2011. "The scatter about the "Universal" dwarf spheroidal mass profile: A kinematic study of the M31 satellites, And V and And VI." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 417:1170.
    While the satellites of the Milky Way (MW) have been shown to be largely consistent in terms of their mass contained within one half--light radius (M_{half}) with a "Universal" mass profile, a number of M31 satellites are ...
  • A kinematic study of the Andromeda dwarf spheroidal system 

    Collins, Michelle L. M., Scott C. Chapman, R. Michael Rich, Rodrigo A. Ibata, et al. 2013. "A kinematic study of the Andromeda dwarf spheroidal system."Astrophysical Journal 768(2):36.
    We present a homogeneous kinematic analysis of red giant branch stars within 18 of the 28 Andromeda dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies, obtained using the Keck I LRIS and Keck II DEIMOS spectrographs. Based on their g-i ...
  • Slicing The Monoceros Overdensity with Suprime-Cam 

    Conn, Blair C., Noelia E. D. Noël, Hans-Walter Rix, R. R. Lane, et al. 2012. "Slicing The Monoceros Overdensity with Suprime-Cam." The Astrophysical Journal 754:101.
    We derive distance, density and metallicity distribution of the stellar Monoceros Overdensity (MO) in the outer Milky Way, based on deep imaging with the Subaru Telescope. We applied CMD fitting techniques in three stripes ...
  • The M33 Globular Cluster System with PAndAS Data: The Last Outer Halo Cluster? 

    Cockcroft, Robert, William E. Harris, Annette M. N. Ferguson, Avon Huxor, et al. 2011. "The M33 Globular Cluster System with PAndAS Data: The Last Outer Halo Cluster?." The Astrophysical Journal 730: 112.
    We use CFHT/MegaCam data to search for outer halo star clusters in M33 as part of the Pan-Andromeda Archaeological Survey (PAndAS). This work extends previous studies out to a projected radius of 50 kpc and covers over 40 ...
  • Unearthing Foundations of a Cosmic Cathedral: Searching the Stars for M33's Halo 

    Cockcroft, Robert, Alan W. McConnachie, William E. Harris, Rodrigo Ibata, et al. 2012. "Unearthing Foundations of a Cosmic Cathedral: Searching the Stars for M33's Halo." 428(2): 1248-1262
    We use data from the Pan-Andromeda Archaeological Survey (PAndAS) to search for evidence of an extended halo component belonging to M33 (the Triangulum Galaxy). We identify a population of red giant branch (RGB) stars at ...
  • The SCUBA HAlf-Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) - VIII. The Nature of Faint Submm Galaxies in SHADES, SWIRE and SXDF Surveys 

    Clements, D. L., M. Vaccari, T. Babbedge, S. Oliver, et al. 2008. "The SCUBA HAlf-Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) - VIII. The Nature of Faint Submm Galaxies in SHADES, SWIRE and SXDF Surveys." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 387(1): 247-267.
    We present the optical-to-submm spectral energy distributions for 33 radio & mid-IR identified submillimetre galaxies discovered via the SHADES 850 micron SCUBA imaging in the Subaru-XMM Deep Field (SXDF). Optical data for ...
  • Large gas reservoirs and free-free emission in two lensed star-forming galaxies at z=2.7 

    Aravena, M., E. J. Murphy, J. E. Aguirre, M. L. N. Ashby, et al. 2013. "Large gas reservoirs and free-free emission in two lensed star-forming galaxies at z=2.7." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 433(1):498
    We report the detection of CO(1-0) line emission in the bright, lensed star-forming galaxies SPT-S 233227-5358.5 (z=2.73) and SPT-S 053816-5030.8 (z=2.78), using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). Both galaxies ...
  • HerMES: Clusters of Dusty Galaxies Uncovered by Herschel and Planck 

    Clements, D. L., F. G. Braglia, A. Hyde, I. Perez-Fournon, et al. 2014. "HerMES: Clusters of Dusty Galaxies Uncovered by Herschel and Planck." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 439 (2): 1193
    The potential for Planck to detect clusters of dusty, star-forming galaxies at z greater than 1 is tested by examining the Herschel-SPIRE images of Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalog (ERCSC) sources lying in fields ...