Now showing items 161-180 of 211

  • A LABOCA survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South - submillimeter properties of near-IR selected galaxies 

    Greve, T. R., A. Weiss, F. Walter, I. Smail, et al. 2009. "A LABOCA survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South - submillimeter properties of near-IR selected galaxies." The Astrophysical Journal 719(1): 483.
    Using the 330hr ESO-MPG 870-micron survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDF-S) obtained with the Large Apex BOlometer CAmera (LABOCA) on the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX), we have carried out a stacking ...
  • Luminous Starbursts in the Redshift Desert at z 1-2: Star Formation Rates, Masses & Evidence for Outflows 

    Banerji, Manda, Scott C. Chapman, Ian Smail, S. Alaghband-Zadeh, et al. 2011. "Luminous Starbursts in the Redshift Desert at z 1-2: Star Formation Rates, Masses & Evidence for Outflows." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 418:1071.
    We present a spectroscopic catalogue of 40 luminous starburst galaxies at z=0.7--1.7 (median z=1.3). 19 of these are submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) and 21 are submillimetre-faint radio galaxies (SFRGs). This sample helps ...
  • Submillimeter Observations of Millimeter Bright Galaxies Discovered by the South Pole Telescope 

    Greve, T. R., J. D. Vieira, A. Weiss, J. E. Aguirre, et al. 2012. "Submillimeter Observations of Millimeter Bright Galaxies Discovered by the South Pole Telescope." The Astrophysical Journal 756:101.
    We present APEX SABOCA 350micron and LABOCA 870micron observations of 11 representative examples of the rare, extremely bright (S_1.4mm > 15mJy), dust-dominated millimeter-selected galaxies recently discovered by the South ...
  • The LABOCA Survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: Clustering of submillimetre galaxies 

    Hickox, Ryan C., J. L. Wardlow, Ian Smail, A. D. Myers, et al. 2011. "The LABOCA Survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: Clustering of submillimetre galaxies." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 421:284.
    We present a measurement of the spatial clustering of submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) at z = 1-3. Using data from the 870 micron LESS survey, we employ a novel technique to measure the cross-correlation between SMGs and ...
  • The Stellar Mass Content of Submillimeter-Selected Galaxies 

    Hainline, L. J., A. W. Blain, I. Smail, D. M. Alexander, et al. 2010. "The Stellar Mass Content of Submillimeter-Selected Galaxies." The Astrophysical Journal 740:96.
    We present a new study of the stellar mass in a sample of ~ 70 submillimeter-selected galaxies (SMGs) with accurate spectroscopic redshifts. We fit combinations of stellar population synthesis models and power laws to the ...
  • AzTEC Half Square Degree Survey of the SHADES Fields -- I. Maps, Catalogues, and Source Counts 

    Austermann, J. E., J. S. Dunlop, T. A. Perera, K. S. Scott, et al. 2009. "AzTEC Half Square Degree Survey of the SHADES Fields -- I. Maps, Catalogues, and Source Counts." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 401:160.
    We present the first results from the largest deep extragalactic millimetre-wavelength survey undertaken to date. These results are derived from maps covering over 0.7 deg^2, made at 1.1mm, using the AzTEC continuum camera ...
  • Far-infrared characterization of an ultra-luminous starburst associated with a massively-accreting black hole at z=1.15 

    Floc'h, E. Le, C. N. A. Willmer, K. Noeske, N. P. Konidaris, et al. 2007. "Far-infrared characterization of an ultra-luminous starburst associated with a massively-accreting black hole at z=1.15." The Astrophysical Journal 660(1): 65-L68
    As part of the "All Wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey" (AEGIS), we describe the panchromatic characterization of an X-ray luminous active galactic nucleus (AGN) in a merging galaxy at z=1.15. This object ...
  • Spitzer identifications and classifications of submillimeter galaxies in giant, high-redshift Lyman-alpha emission-line nebulae 

    Geach, J. E., Ian Smail, S. C. Chapman, D. M. Alexander, et al. 2007. "Spitzer identifications and classifications of submillimeter galaxies in giant, high-redshift Lyman-alpha emission-line nebulae." The Astrophysical Journal 655(1): 9-L12
    Using Spitzer Space Telescope IRAC (3.6-8um) and MIPS (24um) imaging, as well as Hubble Space Telescope optical observations, we identify the IRAC counterparts of the luminous power sources residing within the two largest ...
  • The Chandra Deep Protocluster Survey: Lyα Blobs are powered by heating, not cooling 

    Geach, J. E., D. M. Alexander, B. D. Lehmer, Ian Smail, et al. 2009. "The Chandra Deep Protocluster Survey:Lyα Blobs are powered by heating, not cooling." The Astrophysical Journal, 700(1): 1-9
    We present the results of a 400ks Chandra survey of 29 extended Ly-alpha emitting nebulae (Ly-alpha Blobs, LABs) in the z=3.09 proto-cluster in the SSA22 field. We detect luminous X-ray counterparts in five LABs, implying ...
  • The First Measurements of Galaxy Clustering from IRAC Data of the Spitzer First Look Survey 

    Fang, Fan, David L. Shupe, Gillian Wilson, Mark Lacy, et al. 2004. "The First Measurements of Galaxy Clustering from IRAC Data of the Spitzer First Look Survey." 154(1): 35-38
  • The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: blank-field number counts of 450um-selected galaxies and their contribution to the cosmic infrared background 

    Geach, J. E., E. L. Chapin, K. E. K. Coppin, J. S. Dunlop, et al. 2012. "The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: blank-field number counts of 450um-selected galaxies and their contribution to the cosmic infrared background." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 432:53.
    The first deep blank-field 450um map (1-sigma~1.3mJy) from the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey (S2CLS), conducted with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) is presented. Our map covers 140 arcmin^2 of the COSMOS field, ...
  • Infrared Properties of Radio-Selected Submillimeter Galaxies in the Spitzer First Look Survey Verification Field 

    Frayer, D. T., S. C. Chapman, L. Yan, L. Armus, et al. 2004. "Infrared Properties of Radio-Selected Submillimeter Galaxies in the Spitzer First Look Survey Verification Field." The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 154(1): 137-141
    We report on submillimeter and infrared observations of 28 radio-selected galaxies in the Spitzer First Look Survey Verification field (FLSV). All of the radio-selected galaxies that show evidence for emission at 850um ...
  • A submm survey of Lyman-alpha haloes in the SA22 protocluster at z=3.1 

    Geach, J. E., Y. Matsuda, Ian Smail, S. C. Chapman, et al. 2005. "A submm survey of Lyman-alpha haloes in the SA22 protocluster at z=3.1." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 363(4): 1398-1408
    We present the results from a submm survey of a sample of 23 giant Lya emitting nebulae in the overdensity at z=3.09 in the SA22 field. These objects, which have become known as Lya Blobs (LABs) have a diverse range of ...
  • The Recent Stellar Archeology of M31 - The Nearest Red Disk Galaxy 

    Davidge, T. J., A. W. McConnachie, M. A. Fardal, J. Fliri, et al. 2012. "The Recent Stellar Archeology of M31 - The Nearest Red Disk Galaxy." The Astrophysical Journal 751(1):74
    We examine the star-forming history (SFH) of the M31 disk during the past few hundred Myr. The luminosity functions (LFs) of main sequence stars at distances R_GC > 21 kpc (i.e. > 4 disk scale lengths) are matched by models ...
  • HerMES: Candidate High-Redshift Galaxies Discovered with Herschel/SPIRE 

    Dowell, C. Darren, A. Conley, J. Glenn, V. Arumugam, et al. 2014. "HerMES: Candidate High-Redshift Galaxies Discovered with Herschel/SPIRE." The Astrophysical Journal 780:75
    We present a method for selecting $z>4$ dusty, star forming galaxies (DSFGs) using Herschel/SPIRE 250/350/500 $\mu m$ flux densities to search for red sources. We apply this method to 21 deg$^2$ of data from the HerMES ...
  • The All-wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS) Data Sets 

    Davis, M., P. Guhathakurta, N. Konidaris, J. A. Newman, et al. 2007. "The All-wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS) Data Sets." The Astrophysical Journal 660(1): 1-L6
    In this the first of a series of Letters, we present a description of the panchromatic data sets that have been acquired in the Extended Groth Strip region of the sky. Our survey, the All-wavelength Extended Groth strip ...
  • The SCUBA Half Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) - VII. Optical/IR photometry and stellar masses of sub-millimeter galaxies 

    Dye, Simon, S. A. Eales, I. Aretxaga, S. Serjeant, et al. 2008. "The SCUBA Half Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) - VII. Optical/IR photometry and stellar masses of sub-millimeter galaxies." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 386(2): 1107-1130
    We present estimates of the photometric redshifts, stellar masses and star formation histories of sources in the SCUBA HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES). This paper describes the 60 SCUBA sources detected in the ...
  • An ALMA survey of sub-millimeter galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: Sub-millimeter properties of color-selected galaxies 

    Decarli, R., I. Smail, F. Walter, A. M. Swinbank, et al. 2013. "An ALMA survey of sub-millimeter galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: Sub-millimeter properties of color-selected galaxies." The Astrophysical Journal 780 (2):12
    We study the sub-mm properties of color-selected galaxies via a stacking analysis applied for the first time to interferometric data at sub-mm wavelengths. We base our study on 344 GHz ALMA continuum observations of ...
  • A submillimetre galaxy at z=4.76 in the LABOCA survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South 

    Coppin, Kristen, Ian Smail, David M. Alexander, Axel Weiss, et al. 2009. "A submillimetre galaxy at z=4.76 in the LABOCA survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South." 395(4): 1905-1914
    We report on the identification of the highest redshift submm-selected source currently known: LESSJ033229.4-275619. This source was detected in the Large Apex BOlometer CAmera (LABOCA) Extended Chandra Deep Field South ...
  • The Spitzer Space Telescope Extra-Galactic First Look Survey: 24 micron data reduction, catalog, and source identification 

    Fadda, Dario, F. R. Marleau, L. J. Storrie-Lombardi, D. Makovoz, et al. 2006. "The Spitzer Space Telescope Extra-Galactic First Look Survey: 24 micron data reduction, catalog, and source identification." The Astronomical Journal 131(6): 2859-2876
    We present the reduction of the 24 micron data obtained during the first cosmological survey performed by the Spitzer Space Telescope (First Look Survey, FLS). The survey consists of a shallow observation of 2.5x2 sq deg ...