Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 13(4), 1934
Medical Society of Nova Scotia
Journal Title
Journal ISSN
Volume Title
Nova Scotia Medical Society
pp. 163-208
Anaesthesia in fracture therapy [Title], Anesthesia, Bacterial Infections, Brucellosis, Digestive System Diseases, Early days of the Halifax Infirmary [Title], Gastric anacidity [Case report] [Title], General peritonitis due to suppurative appendicitis [Case report] [Title], Graham, Judson Vye, Have you made out your income tax? Returns by members of the medical profession [Title], Headache [Read before Halifax Medical Society, Feb.7, 1934] [Title], Hodgkin's Disease [Case report] [Title], Idiopathic spontaneous pneumothorax [Case report] [Title], Jones, Charles MacLean, Their indications, method, and interpretation with special reference to the requirements of the general practitioner: colour index and the icterus index [Title], Laboratory examinations, Little, Ferguson Robert, MacDonald, William J., MacIntosh, J.W., MacLennan, Samuel John, Medical Society of Nova Scotia,, Merritt, John William, Murphy, Arthur L., Murray, A. Edward, Peel, Hugh Robert, Reid, J.W., Sisters of Charity, Smith, Ralph P., Streptococcal pyaemia [Case report] [Title], Three cases of granuloma pudendum [Case report] [Title], Ultraviolet radiation in dermatology [Title], Undulant fever [Case report] [Title]
Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 13(4), 1934