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dc.contributor.advisorClarke, Linda
dc.contributor.authorMorency, Jean
dc.contributor.authorChiasson, Herménégilde
dc.contributor.authorEllenwood, Ray
dc.contributor.authorMcAlister, Vivian
dc.contributor.authorGauvreau, Luc
dc.contributor.authorMurray, Jock
dc.contributor.authorBlacquière, Dylan
dc.contributor.authorField, Thalia
dc.contributor.authorRich, Kira
dc.contributor.authorHinkewich, Christopher
dc.contributor.authorMcCormick, Ashley
dc.contributor.authorArchibald, Alison
dc.contributor.authorDésy, Jean
dc.contributor.authorBednarski, Betty
dc.contributor.authorCameron, Ian
dc.contributor.authorSullivan, Patrick
dc.contributor.authorBrochot, Viviane
dc.contributor.authorSzaryk, Evelyne
dc.contributor.authorShilliday, Molleen
dc.contributor.authorAlam, Nadia
dc.description.abstractSymposium marking the 20th anniversary of the death of Dr. Jacques Ferron. THE CANADA OF JACQUES FERRON: Le Moncton de Jacques Ferron : lieu de déperdition identitaire ou embryon de mythe littéraire? / The Moncton of Jacques Ferron : Site of Identity Loss or Literary Myth in the Making? by Jean Morency -- Quinze esquisses pour un portrait virtuel de Jacques Ferron / Fifteen Sketches for a Virtual Portrait of Jacques Ferron by Herménégilde Chiasson -- Jacques Ferron’s Alberta, and Mine by Ray Ellenwood. THE PHYSICIAN WRITING: In Search of the Anglophone Doctor in Jacques Ferron’s ‘Le petit William’ / A la recherche du médecin «anglais » dans ‘Le petit William’ de Jacques Ferron by Vivian McAlister -- Jacques Ferron et L’Information médicale et paramédicale: une collaboration de 30 ans / Jacques Ferron and L’Information médicale et paramédicale: 30 Years of Collaboration by Luc Gauvreau -- Physicians as Writers / Les médecins-écrivains by Jock Murray -- Writing the Human Brain: The Work of Oliver Sacks / Écrire le cerveau humain : l’oeuvre d’Oliver Sacks by Dylan Blacquière -- William Carlos Williams by Thalia Field -- Samuel Shem The House of God by Kira Rich-- Anton Chekhov by Christopher Hinkewich and Ashley McCormick -- W. Somerset Maugham by Alison Archibald -- À la manière de Jacques Ferron : médecine et littérature / The Way of Jacques Ferron: Medicine and Literature by Jean Désy -- ‘Reading, Writing, Doctoring’: Doctor-Readers and Doctor-Writers in the Fiction of Jacques Ferron / ‘Lire, Écrire, Soigner’ : médecins-lecteurs et médecins-écrivains dans les oeuvres de fiction de Jacques Ferron by Betty Bednarski -- “Sardonic As an Idol:” Jacques Ferron and the Fine Points of Medicine by Ian Cameron and Patrick Sullivan -- Exploring the Limits of the Self: Birth and Death in Jacques Ferron’s Writing / Explorer les limites du “Moi” : la naissance et la mort dans l’oeuvre de Jacques Ferron by Viviane Brochot and Evelyne Szaryk -- Jacques Ferron’s Wild Roses: Blurring the Boundaries Between “Madness” and Sanity / Les Roses sauvages de Jacques Ferron: le brouillage des frontières entre la folie et la normalité by Molleen Shilliday -- “Crazy” (This collaboration between Nadia Alam and Linda Clarke is a creative storytelling performance provoked by Ferron’s “Wild Roses”. / Cette performance, fruit d’une collaboration entre Nadia Alam et Linda Clarke, est une création provoquée par une lecture de Les Roses sauvages de Ferron.)en_US
dc.publisherMedical Students' Society, Dalhousie Universityen_US
dc.relation.ispartofDalhousie Medical Journalen_US
dc.titleSpecial Supplement to the DMJ - Jacques Ferronen_US
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