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dc.contributor.authorThompson, David Lester.en_US
dc.descriptionAndrogens stimulate the metabolic activity of androgen sensitive tissues. One consequence of unabated androgen stimulation is abnormal tissue growth. Androgen metabolism within androgen sensitive tissues is therefore an important mechanism for the maintenance of normal tissue development. The terminal step in androgen metabolism is conjugation of the androgens to either glucuronide or sulfate moieties. This thesis examines androgen glucuronide production as a measure of androgen metabolism.en_US
dc.descriptionSpecific radioimmunoassays for four androgen glucuronides have been developed: Androstanediol 3-glucuronide (Adiol 3-G); androstanediol 17-glucuronide (Adiol 17-G); total androstanediol glucuronide (Adiol-G); and androsterone glucuronide (Andros-G). In addition, a glucuronyl transferase assay has been developed.en_US
dc.descriptionThe data presented show that androgens are metabolized to androgen glucuronides by both peripheral and hepatic tissues. These results question the validity of using serum androgen glucuronide levels as markers specific for peripheral androgen metabolism.en_US
dc.descriptionPathways of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) metabolism are described. The data presented show that Adiol 17-G is the major Adiol-G isomer in serum. Additional data suggest that this Adiol 17-G is formed by conversion of DHT to Adiol followed by selective glucuronidation of Adiol's 17-carbon hydroxyl.en_US
dc.descriptionBy measuring the changes in Andros-G and/or Adiol-G levels following changes in ovarian and/or adrenal steroidogenesis, it has been determined that adrenal steroidogenesis is the principle source of elevated androgen-glucuronide levels normally seen in hirsute women.en_US
dc.descriptionAndrogen glucuronides are therefore useful indicators of adrenal steroid metabolism by both the liver and peripheral tissues.en_US
dc.descriptionThesis (Ph.D.)--Dalhousie University (Canada), 1990.en_US
dc.publisherDalhousie Universityen_US
dc.subjectBiology, Animal Physiology.en_US
dc.titleAndrogen glucuronides: Markers of in vivo and in vitro androgen metabolism.en_US
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