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dc.contributor.authorPeterson, R.H.
dc.contributor.authorMartin-Robichaud, D. J.
dc.identifier.citationPeterson, R. H., & Martin-Robichaud, D. J. (1989). Community analysis of fish populations in headwater lakes of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, 38(2), 55-72.en_US
dc.descriptionIncludes b&w maps; b&w illus.; bibliographic references
dc.description.abstractFive fish community assemblages, based upon surveys with gill-nets, were identified in Maritime headwater lakes. These were (11 brook trout only, (2) brook trout-white sucker, (3) multispecies with white sucker, yellow perch and brown bullhead most frequent members, (4) yellow perch only and (5) multispecies with smallmouth bass and/or white perch. The two lake physico-chemical parameters most important in determining fish community were pH and lake area. Brook trout-only lakes had the least area, while yellow perch-only lakes were the most acidic (mean pH of 4.60). It is suggested that lakes containing only yellow perch may have once contained assemblage (3), but have become too acidic for any but yellow perch.en_US
dc.description.abstractCinq groupements de poissons, bases sur des relevès au moyen de filets, ont été identifiées dans quelques lacs eaux---souches des Provinces Maritimes. Ceux-ci comprenaient (1) I'omble de fontaine seul, (2) I'omble de fontaine et Ie meunier noir, (3) plusieurs espèces comprenant Ie meunier noir, la perchaude et la barbotte brune en majorité, et (4) la perchaude seule. Les deux paramètres physicochimiques de plus grande importance quant aux groupements de poissons sont Ie pH et la superficie des lacs. Les lacs avec I'omble seul ont la moindre superficie, tandis que les lacs contenant la perchaude seule sont les plus acidiques (un pH moyen de 4.60). On suggère que les lacs contenant seulement la perchaude contenaient dans Ie passé Ie groupement (3), mais sont devenus trop addiques pour maintenir aucune espèce autre que la perchaude.
dc.publisherDalhousie Printing Centreen_US
dc.subjectFish communities--Nova Scotia
dc.subjectFish communities--New Brunswick
dc.subjectFreshwater fishes
dc.titleCommunity analysis of fish populations in headwater lakes of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.en_US
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