Now showing items 101-120 of 143

  • Nobody to Play With? The Implications of Leisure Co-ordination 

    Jenkins, Stephen and Lars Osberg, "Nobody to Play With? The Implications of Leisure Co-ordination" in The Economics of Time Use, edited by D.S. Hamermesh and G.A. Pfann, 113-145. Elsevier B.V., 2005.
  • Meaning and Measurement in Intergenerational Equity 

    Osberg, Lars, "Meaning and Measurement in Intergenerational Equity," in Government Finances and Intergenerational Equity, edited by Miles Corak, 131-139. Ottawa: Statistics Canada and Human Resources Development Canada, 1998.
  • Markets, Morality and the Auto-corrosive tendencies of 'Standard Economics' 

    Osberg, Lars, "Markets, Morality and the Auto-corrosive tendencies of 'Standard Economics'," in The Moralization of the Markets, edited by Nico Stehr. Transaction Books, 2005.
  • Long Run Trends in Economic Inequality in Five Countries - A Birth Cohort View 

    Osberg, Lars, "Long Run Trends in Economic Inequality in Five Countries - A Birth Cohort View" in The Macro Dynamics of Inequality in the Advanced and Developing Countries, edited by J.K. Galbraith. MacMillan/St. Martin's Press, 1999.
  • Les concepts du chômage et al structure de l'emploi 

    Osberg, Lars, "Les concepts du chômage et la structure de l'emploi" in Ver le plein emploi, edited by Pierre Paquette and Matio seccareccia. Montreal: Les Presses de l'Université de Montreal, 1998.
  • Leisure 

    Osberg, Lars, "Leisure" in New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2005.
  • Jobs and Growth - The Missing Link 

    Osberg, Lars, "Jobs and Growth - The Missing Link," in A New Social Vision for Canada? Perspectives on the Federal Discussion Paper on Social Security and Reform, edited by K. Banting and K. Battle. Kingston, Ontario: School of Policy Studies, 1994
  • Integrating Social and Economic Policy - Micro Transitions and Macro Policy in a Federal State 

    Osberg, Lars, "Integrating Social and Economic Policy - Micro Transitions and Macro Policy in a Federal State" in A Federal State, edited by E.B. Reynolds, 83-100. Montreal, P.Q.: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1993.
  • Inequality 

    Osberg, Lars, "Inequality" in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioural Sciences, edited by Paul B. Baltes and N. J. Smelser, 7371-7377. Oxford: Pergamon, 2001.
  • Income Distribution and Social Expenditures 

    Osberg, Lars and Jonathan Schwabish and Timothy Smeeding, "Income Distribution and Social Expenditures" in The Distributional Effects of Government Spending and Taxation, edited by Dimitri B. Papadimitriou, Palsgrave Macmillan UK, 2006
  • Income Distribution and Public Social Expenditure: Theories, Effects and Evidence 

    Osberg, Lars, "Income Distribution and Public Social Expenditure: Theories, Effects and Evidence," in Social Inequality, ed. Kathryn Neckerman, 823-862. New York: Russel Sage Foundation, 2004
  • How Much does Employment Matter for Inequality in Canada and Elsewhere? 

    Osberg, Lars, "How Much does Employment Matter for Inequality in Canada and Elsewhere?" in Dimensions of Inequality in Canada, edited by D. Green and J. Kesselman. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005
  • The Impact of the Great Recession on Economic Wellbeing - How Different are OECD Nations and Why? 

    Osberg, Lars and Andrew Sharpe, "The Impact of the Great Recession on Economic Wellbeing - How Different are OECD Nations and Why?" in The Economics of Wellbeing: Wellbeing: A Complete Reference Guide, Volume V, edited by Cary L. Cooper and David McDavid,. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2014
  • Consensus and Controversy in the Debate on Deficit Reduction 

    Osberg, Lars, and Fortin, Pierre. (1996). Consensus and Controversy in the Debate on Deficit Reduction. In Larrs Osberg (eds.), and Pierre Fortin (eds.) Unnecessary debts (pages ix-xvi). Toronto: J. Lorimer.
  • What's the real issue in the debt debate? 

    Osberg, Lars. (2003). What’s the real issue in the debt debate?”. In Christopher Ragan (eds.) & William Watson (eds.). Is the debt war over? : dispatches from Canada's fiscal frontline. Monreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy.
  • Credibility Mountain 

    Osberg, Lars, and Fortin, Pierre. (1996).Credibility Mountain. In Larrs Osberg (eds.), and Pierre Fortin (eds.) Unnecessary debts. Toronto: J. Lorimer.
  • Comment: The Nature of Dependency 

    Osberg, L.. (1994). "Comment: The Nature of Dependency." In Keith G. Banting, Douglas M. Brown, and Thomas J. Courchene. (Eds.), The Future of fiscal federalism (page 123-129). Kingston [Ont.] : School of Policy Studies, Queen's University.
  • Comparisons of Trends in GDP and Economic Well-being - The Impact of Social Capital 

    Osberg, Lars, Sharpe, Andrew, (2001). Comparisons of Trends in GDP and Economic Well-being - The Impact of Social Capital. In International Symposium Report, (pages 310-351). Ottawa: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and Human Resource Development Canada
  • Canada's Economic Performance: Inequality, Poverty and Growth 

    Osberg, Lars, Allen, R.C., and Rosenbluth, G. (1992). Canada's Economic Performance: Inequality, Poverty and Growth. In Allen, Robert C, and Rosenbluth, Gideon. (1992). False Promises: The Failure of Conservative Economics. Vancouver, B.C.: New Star Books.
  • A Social Charter for Canada 

    Osberg, Lars, and Phipps, Shelley. (1992). A Social Charter for Canada, In Echenberg, Havi (1992). A Social Charter for Canada? Perspectives on the Constitutional Entrenchment of Social Rights. Toronto: C. D. Howe Institute