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dc.contributor.authorRoss, Nancy
dc.identifier.citationRoss, N. & Bagg, L. (2023). They Did Not Listen to Our Whole Story Women’s Experiences in the Domestic Violence Courts of Nova Scotia.en_US
dc.descriptionThis report was made possible by funding from the Social Sciences Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).en_US
dc.description.abstractThe research highlighted in this report was initiated following a conversation with the Director of the Elizabeth Fry Society of Cape Breton who indicated they would like to explore further the experiences of women who had been charged with domestic violence related offences and participated in Domestic Violence Court programs in Nova Scotia, Canada. They wished to learn if these programs incorporated trauma and violence- informed principles, how women made sense of their use of violence, and the impact of participation on women and their families. We conducted a survey, held three virtual two-hour workshops with fourteen women, and analyzed the court records of these same fourteen women. Recommendations in this report include the need to revise the pro-arrest, pro-charge and pro-prosecution policies, to consider alternative justice responses that place less pressure to plead guilty and to prioritize therapeutic supports that promote a trauma and violence-informed approach.en_US
dc.publisherProject Title: Improving Lives of Families or Punishing Women? (2020-2023) Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Researchen_US
dc.titleThey Did Not Listen to Our Whole Story Women’s Experiences in the Domestic Violence Courts of Nova Scotiaen_US
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