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dc.contributor.authorGhahtarani, Alireza
dc.description.abstractThis thesis explores robust optimization theory and applications through a collection of articles. The first article reviews robust portfolio selection literature, identifying research gaps and paving the way for subsequent work. The second and third articles address asset liability management for pension funds under uncertain parameters like asset returns and interest rates. The second article introduces a distributionally-robust chance-constrained programming approach, while the third employs distributionally-robust optimization with various ambiguity sets. Both articles propose tractable reformulations and demonstrate enhanced asset allocation and funding ratio through realistic experiments. The final article focuses on the K-adaptability problem, presenting a solution method involving logic-based Benders decomposition. This approach, extended to cases with stage-wise uncertainty and nonlinear functions, outperforms existing methods. In essence, the thesis contributes valuable methodologies for optimizing in the face of uncertainty across different financial scenarios.en_US
dc.subjectAsset-Liability Management Problemen_US
dc.subjectRobust Optimizationen_US
dc.subjectDistributionally Robust Optimizationen_US
dc.subjectWorst-Case Conditional Value at Risken_US
dc.subjectK-adaptability Problemen_US
dc.titleThe robust asset-liability management problem under return and interest rate uncertaintyen_US
dc.contributor.departmentDepartment of Industrial Engineeringen_US
dc.contributor.degreeDoctor of Philosophyen_US
dc.contributor.external-examinerDr Saman Hassanzadeh Aminen_US
dc.contributor.graduate-coordinatorDr John Blakeen_US
dc.contributor.thesis-readerDr Iraj Fooladien_US
dc.contributor.thesis-readerDr Noreen Kamalen_US
dc.contributor.thesis-supervisorDr Ahmed Saifen_US
dc.contributor.thesis-supervisorDr Alireza Ghasemien_US
dc.contributor.ethics-approvalNot Applicableen_US
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