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dc.contributor.authorSardiwalla, Yaeesh
dc.contributor.authorSchmidt, Michael
dc.contributor.authorMilne, Andrew
dc.contributor.authorBernard, Andre
dc.contributor.authorGeorge, Ronald
dc.contributor.authorEskes, Gail
dc.contributor.authorUrquhart, Robin
dc.contributor.authorStringer, Elizabeth
dc.contributor.authorCastellani, Bhreaugh
dc.contributor.authorBartlett, Emma
dc.contributor.authorBerman, Jason N.
dc.contributor.authorHarrison, Karen J.
dc.contributor.authorMorash, Barbara
dc.contributor.authorBentley, Victoria L.
dc.contributor.authorShortliffe, Michelle
dc.contributor.authorGaudet, Michele
dc.contributor.authorFares, Elias
dc.contributor.authorDeveau, Adam
dc.contributor.authorWong, Ivan
dc.contributor.authorGhosh, Swagata
dc.contributor.authorKing, John-Paul
dc.contributor.authorDow, Todd
dc.contributor.authorAbdolell, Mohamed
dc.contributor.authorPaynea, Jennifer
dc.contributor.authorCainesa, Judy
dc.contributor.authorLightfoot, Christopher
dc.contributor.authorGalea, Jonathan
dc.contributor.authorTsurudaa, Kaitlyn
dc.contributor.authorIlesa, Sean
dc.contributor.authorGullickson, Courtney
dc.contributor.authorKuhle, Stefan
dc.contributor.authorCampbell-Yeo, Marsha
dc.contributor.authorHamodat, Hayam
dc.contributor.authorDarvesh, Sultan
dc.contributor.authorMagee, Kirk
dc.contributor.authorArda, Siwar
dc.contributor.authorStewart, Samuel
dc.contributor.authorJang- Stewart, Samantha
dc.contributor.authorOgilvie, Rachel
dc.contributor.authorWilson, Maria
dc.contributor.authorHayden, Jill A.
dc.contributor.authorBabadagliae, M. Ege
dc.contributor.authorDoucetted, John
dc.contributor.authorMansera, Mark
dc.contributor.authorSlobodabc, Ron
dc.contributor.authorFoss, Matthew
dc.contributor.authorLynch, Mary
dc.contributor.authorBrousseau, Paul
dc.contributor.authorPoole, Oliver
dc.contributor.authorBernard, André
dc.contributor.authorHennessey, Kimberley
dc.contributor.authorChristie, Timothy K. S.
dc.contributor.authorRans, Sofija
dc.contributor.authorSardinha, Joel
dc.contributor.authorLehmann, Christian
dc.contributor.authorSun, Michael
dc.contributor.authorHowlett, Susan
dc.contributor.authorRockwood, Kenneth
dc.contributor.authorRutledge, Rob
dc.contributor.authorAdlaf, Ed
dc.contributor.authorBoak, Angela
dc.contributor.authorTrenholm, Michelle
dc.contributor.authorIlie, Gabriela
dc.contributor.authorMann, Robert
dc.description.abstractSPOTLIGHT ON RESEARCH IN MEDICINE. ABSTRACT: Evaluating the use of the Dalhousie Computerized Assessment Battery for detecting Post-Operative Cognitive Dysfunction in the perioperative setting - by Sardiwalla, Yaeesh; Eskes, Gail; George, Ronald; Bernard, Andre; Milne, Andrew; Schmidt, Michael. ABSTRACT: Exploring the role of pediatric medical camps in supporting adolescents with chronic illness in their readiness for adulthood - by Emma Bartlett, Bhreaugh Castellani, Dr. Elizabeth Stringer, Dr. Robin Urquhart. ABSTRACT: A novel t(6;22)(p21;q11.2) translocation in relapsed acute promyleocytic leukemia: a proposed marker of resistant disease - by Victoria L Bentley, Elias Fares, Adam Deveau, Michele Gaudet, Michelle Shortliffe, Barbara Morash, Karen J Harrison, Jason N Berman. ABSTRACT: The reduction of heterotopic ossification incidence following hip arthroscopy in patients treated with celecoxib - by Todd Dow, John-Paul King, Swagata Ghosh, Ivan Wong. ABSTRACT: Evaluation of a Freely Available Automatic Algorithm for the Calculation of Area-Based and Volumetric-Based Mammographic Breast Density - by Jonathan Galea, Kaitlyn Tsurudaa, Sean Ilesa, Christopher Lightfoot, Judy Cainesa, Jennifer Paynea, Mohamed Abdolell. ABSTRACT: Comparison of treatment outcomes between morphine and concomitant morphine and clonidine regimens for neonatal abstinence syndrome - by Courtney Gullickson, Stefan Kuhle, Marsha Campbell-Yeo. ABSTRACT: Loss of cholinergic neurons in nucleus subputaminalis in neurodegenerative disorders presenting as Primary Progressive Aphasia - by Hamodat, Hayam; Darvesh, Sultan. ABSTRACT: Factors affecting pain management and imaging practices of patients presenting to the Emergency Department with non-specific low back pain - by Siwar Arda, Jill A. Hayden, Maria Wilson, Rachel Ogilvie, Samantha Jang- Stewart, Samuel Stewart, Kirk Magee. ABSTRACT: Constraint Programming and Column Generation for Automated Treatment Planning in Brachytherapy - by Mark Mansera, Ron Slobodabc, John Doucetted, M. Ege Babadagliae. ABSTRACT: Patient-Controlled Analgesia versus Continuous Opioid Infusion for the Treatment of Mucositis Pain Following Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: A Retrospective Review - by Matthew Foss, Mary Lynch. ABSTRACT: Impact of preoperative anemia on transfusion rates in primary and revision hip arthroplasty: a retrospective analysis - by Oliver Poole, André Bernard, Paul Brousseau. ABSTRACT: Evaluation of a Low-Threshold/High-Tolerance Methadone Maintenance Treatment Clinic in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada: Seven Year Retention Rates - by Sofija Rans, Timothy K.S. Christie, Kimberley Hennessey. ABSTRACT: Rapid clinical assessment of the sublingual microcirculation - visual scoring using microVAS in comparison to standard semi-automated analysis - by Joel Sardinha and Christian Lehmann. ABSTRACT: Development a novel FI-Heart using cardiovascular risk factors to predict increased risk of mortality - by Michael Sun, Susan Howlett, Kenneth Rockwood. ABSTRACT: Adolescent Traumatic Brain Injuries: Time of Occurrence and Links with Current Academic Performance and Physical Injuries - by Michelle Trenholm, Gabriela Ilie, Robert Mann, Angela Boak, Ed Adlaf, Rob Rutledge.en_US
dc.publisherMedical Students' Society, Dalhousie Universityen_US
dc.relation.ispartofDalhousie Medical Journalen_US
dc.titleRecognized abstracts from Dalhousie Medicine 2018 RIM Research Dayen_US
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