Now showing items 21-29 of 29

  • BMP-2 functions independently of SHH signaling and triggers cell condensation and apoptosis in regenerating axolotl limbs 

    Guimond, Jean-Charles, Mathieu Levesque, Pierre-Luc Michaud, Jeremie Berdugo, et al. 2010. "BMP-2 functions independently of SHH signaling and triggers cell condensation and apoptosis in regenerating axolotl limbs." Bmc Developmental Biology 10: 15-15.
    Background: Axolotls have the unique ability, among vertebrates, to perfectly regenerate complex body parts, such as limbs, after amputation. In addition, axolotls pattern developing and regenerating autopods from the ...
  • Action planning for daily mouth care in long-term care: the brushing up on mouth care project 

    McNally, M. E., R. Martin-Misener, C. C. Wyatt, K. P. McNeil, et al. 2012. "Action planning for daily mouth care in long-term care: the brushing up on mouth care project." Nursing research and practice 2012: 368356.
    Research focusing on the introduction of daily mouth care programs for dependent older adults in long-term care has met with limited success. There is a need for greater awareness about the importance of oral health, more ...
  • The Influence of Industry on Dental Education 

    Gillis, Martin R., and Mary E. McNally. 2010. "The Influence of Industry on Dental Education." Journal of dental education 74(10): 1095-1105.
    Academic dental institutions face the growing challenge of securing the resources needed to develop a curriculum that incorporates current innovation and technology to ensure that students' learning experiences are relevant ...
  • Evaluation of Outcomes for Tobacco Cessation Counseling in the Dalhousie University Dental Hygiene Curriculum 

    Maillet, J. Peggy, Cara L. Tax, Nancy R. Neish, and Allison L. Denny. 2010. "Evaluation of Outcomes for Tobacco Cessation Counseling in the Dalhousie University Dental Hygiene Curriculum." Journal of dental education 74(3): 311-317.
    As part of their curriculum, senior dental hygiene students at Dalhousie University Faculty of Dentisity provide tobacco cessation counseling (TCC). This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the TCC didactic ...
  • A Model for Cultivating Dental Hygiene Faculty Development Within a Community of Practice 

    Tax, Cara L., Heather Doucette, Nancy R. Neish, and J. Peggy Maillet. 2012. "A Model for Cultivating Dental Hygiene Faculty Development Within a Community of Practice." Journal of dental education 76(3): 311-321.
    There is a need to explore approaches in faculty development that will foster change in actual teaching practices. The literature suggests that there should be more deliberate use of theory in faculty development research. ...
  • Effect of magnification loupes on dental hygiene student posture 

    Maillet, J. Peggy, A. Michele Millar, Jillian M. Burke, Michelle A. Maillet, et al. 2008. "Effect of magnification loupes on dental hygiene student posture." Journal of dental education 72(1): 33-44.
    The chair-side work posture of dental hygienists has long been a concern because of health-related problems potentially caused or exacerbated by poor posture. The purpose of this study was to investigate if using magnification ...
  • Action planning for daily mouth care in long-term care: the brushing up on mouth care project 

    McNally, M. E., R. Martin-Misener, C. C. Wyatt, K. P. McNeil, et al. 2012. "Action planning for daily mouth care in long-term care: the brushing up on mouth care project." Nursing research and practice 2012: 368356. doi:10.1155/2012/368356
    Research focusing on the introduction of daily mouth care programs for dependent older adults in long-term care has met with limited success. There is a need for greater awareness about the importance of oral health, more ...
  • The Dental Values Scale: Development and Validation 

    Langille, Angela D., Victor M. Catano, Thomas L. Boran, and Donald P. Cunningham. 2010. "The Dental Values Scale: Development and Validation." Journal of dental education 74(12): 1282-1293. Copyright 2010 by the American Dental Education Association.
    No abstract available.
  • Roles of sortase in surface expression of the major protein adhesin P1, saliva-induced aggregation and adherence, and cariogenicity of Streptococcus mutans 

    Lee, SF, and TL Boran. 2003. "Roles of sortase in surface expression of the major protein adhesin P1, saliva-induced aggregation and adherence, and cariogenicity of Streptococcus mutans." Infection and immunity 71(2): 676-681.
    No abstract available.