Recent Submissions

  • Detecting Bare Spots in Wild Blueberry Fields using Digital Color Photography 

    Zhang, F., Q. U. Zaman, D. C. Percival, and A. W. Schumann. 2010. "Detecting Bare Spots in Wild Blueberry Fields using Digital Color Photography." Applied Engineering in Agriculture 26(5): 723-728.
    Wild blueberry fields are developed from native stands on deforested land by removing competing vegetation The majority of fields are situated in naturally acidic and non-fertile sods that have high proportions of bare ...
  • Automated, Low-Cost Yield Mapping of Wild Blueberry Fruit 

    Zaman, Q. U., K. C. Swain, A. W. Schumann, and D. C. Percival. 2010. "Automated, Low-Cost Yield Mapping of Wild Blueberry Fruit." Applied Engineering in Agriculture 26(2): 225-232.
    The presence of weeds, bare spots, and variation in fruit yield within wild blueberry fields emphasizes the need for yield mapping for site-specific application of agrochemicals. An automated yield monitoring system ...
  • Delineating Management Zones for Site Specific Fertilization in Wild Blueberry Fields 

    Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, A. Madani, et al. 2012. "Delineating Management Zones for Site Specific Fertilization in Wild Blueberry Fields." Applied Engineering in Agriculture 28(1): 57-70.
    The concept of management zones has been proposed as a solution to the problems associated with the soil variability to more efficiently apply agricultural inputs on a site-specific basis. This study was designed to ...