Now showing items 21-40 of 57

  • Motion of a point dipole in an infinite hole through a superconductor 

    Yang, Z. J., R. A. Dunlap, and D. J. W. Geldart. 1993. "Motion of a point dipole in an infinite hole through a superconductor." Physical Review B (Condensed Matter) 48(6): 4172-5. Copyright © 1993 American Physical Society.
    The authors consider the system of a magnetic point dipole placed in an infinite square hole through a superconductor. Using the method of images they obtain the potential and the field distribution in the hollow. Using ...
  • Critical Magnetic-Susceptibility of Gadolinium 

    Reproduced from DUNLAP, RA, NM FUJIKI, P. HARGRAVES, and DJW GELDART. 1994. "Critical Magnetic-Susceptibility of Gadolinium." Journal of Applied Physics 76(10): 6338-6340, with the permission of AIP Publishing.
    No abstract available.
  • Theory of impurity-concentration dependence of freezing temperatures of metallic spin glasses 

    Shegelski, M. R. A., and D. J. W. Geldart. 1992. "Theory of impurity-concentration dependence of freezing temperatures of metallic spin glasses." Physical Review B (Condensed Matter) 46(5): 2853-63. Copyright © 1992 American Physical Society.
    The authors present a theory of the freezing temperature Tg of metallic spin glasses. Length scales associated with intrinsic sd scattering and finite temperature play essential roles. They describe an approach in which ...
  • Plasmons in disordered, two-component, quasi-two-dimensional electron systems 

    Shegelski, M. R. A., and D. J. W. Geldart. 1989. "Plasmons in disordered, two-component, quasi-two-dimensional electron systems." Physical Review B (Condensed Matter) 40(6): 3647-51. Copyright © 1989 American Physical Society.
    The authors investigate the effect of elastic scattering of electrons on the properties of plasmons in a disordered, two-component, quasi-two-dimensional electron gas. Numerical results are given for dispersion relations ...
  • Indirect-Exchange Interactions in Disordered Metals at Finite Temperature 

    SHEGELSKI, MRA, and DJW GELDART. 1992. "Indirect-Exchange Interactions in Disordered Metals at Finite Temperature." Physical Review B 46(9): 5318-5327. Copyright © 1992 American Physical Society.
    No abstract available.
  • Theory of Spin-Fluctuation Resistivity Near Critical-Point of Binary-Alloys and Antiferromagnets 

    RICHARD, TG, and DJW GELDART. 1977. "Theory of Spin-Fluctuation Resistivity Near Critical-Point of Binary-Alloys and Antiferromagnets." Physical Review B 15(3): 1502-1513. Copyright © 1977 American Physical Society.
    No abstract available.
  • Heat capacity of gadolinium near the Curie temperature 

    Bednarz, G., D. J. W. Geldart, and M. A. White. 1993. "Heat capacity of gadolinium near the Curie temperature." Physical Review B (Condensed Matter) 47(21): 14247-59. Copyright © 1993 American Physical Society.
    High-resolution AC calorimetric data near the Curie point are reported for several single crystals of gadolinium. The critical temperature and the shape of the heat-capacity curve near Tc both depend on the sample-preparation ...
  • Wave-vector analysis of metallic surface energy 

    Rasolt, M., G. Malmstrom, and D. J. W. Geldart. 1979. "Wave-vector analysis of metallic surface energy." Physical Review B (Condensed Matter) 20(8): 3012-19. Copyright © 1979 American Physical Society.
    The exchange and correlation energy of a nonuniform electronic system can be decomposed into contributions of different wave-vector fluctuations. Both the long- and short-wavelength contributions to this energy can be ...
  • Resistive anomalies at the critical point of isotropic ferromagnets 

    Richard, T. G., and D. J. W. Geldart. 1973. "Resistive anomalies at the critical point of isotropic ferromagnets." Physical Review Letters 30(7): 290-4. Copyright © 1973 American Physical Society.
    The effect of spin fluctuations on electrical resistivity (T) is studied in a single-band model. It is shown that d(T)/dT varies as the magnetic specific heat for TTc as well as TTc and that both short-range and long-range ...
  • Exact Electron-Gas Response Functions at High-Density - Comment 

    RASOLT, M., and DJW GELDART. 1988. "Exact Electron-Gas Response Functions at High-Density - Comment." Physical Review Letters 60(19): 1983-1983. Copyright © 1988 American Physical Society.
    No abstract available.
  • Quantum-Mechanical Interpretation of the Exchange-Correlation Potential of Kohn-Sham Density-Functional Theory - Comment 

    RASOLT, M., and DJW GELDART. 1990. "Quantum-Mechanical Interpretation of the Exchange-Correlation Potential of Kohn-Sham Density-Functional Theory - Comment." Physical Review Letters 65(2): 276-276. Copyright © 1990 American Physical Society.
    No abstract available.
  • Exchange and correlation energy in a nonuniform fermion fluid 

    Rasolt, M., and D. J. W. Geldart. 1986. "Exchange and correlation energy in a nonuniform fermion fluid." Physical Review B (Condensed Matter) 34(2): 1325-8. Copyright © 1986 American Physical Society.
    Recent results for the surface energy of jelliumlike surfaces are investigated within the functional-density formalism. These results along with first-principles considerations support the contention that the first gradient ...
  • Small and large wavelength contributions to the exchange and correlation energy of a nonuniform electron gas 

    Rasolt, M., and D. J. W. Geldart. 1982. "Small and large wavelength contributions to the exchange and correlation energy of a nonuniform electron gas." Physical Review B (Condensed Matter) 25(8): 5133-46. Copyright © 1982 American Physical Society.
    For the uniform electron gas, the decomposition of the exchange and correlation energy into its individual wave vectors has proved invaluable for both a deeper understanding of its structure as well as its extensions to ...
  • Gradient corrections in the exchange and correlation energy of an inhomogeneous electron gas 

    Rasolt, M., and D. J. W. Geldart. 1975. "Gradient corrections in the exchange and correlation energy of an inhomogeneous electron gas." Physical Review Letters 35(18): 1234-7. Copyright © 1975 American Physical Society.
    A closed form expression for the coefficient Bxc which determines the first gradient corrections to the exchange and correction energy is derived. The exact expression is obtained from an approximation that includes the ...
  • Wave-vector decomposition of the exchange and correlation contributions to a metallic surface energy 

    Rasolt, M., and D. J. W. Geldart. 1980. "Wave-vector decomposition of the exchange and correlation contributions to a metallic surface energy." Physical Review B (Condensed Matter) 21(8): 3158-66. Copyright © 1980 American Physical Society.
    The authors decompose the lowest-order nonlocal corrections to the local-density approximation to the exchange and correlation component of the metallic surface energy in terms its wave-vector components. Comparison with ...
  • Comment on `Exact electron-gas response functions at high density' 

    Rasolt, M., D. J. W. Geldart, D. C. Langreth, and S. H. Vosko. 1988. "Comment on `Exact electron-gas response functions at high density'." Physical Review Letters 60(19): 1983-4. Copyright © 1988 American Physical Society.
    For original paper see D.C. Langreth and S.H. Vosko, ibid., vol.59, p.497 (1987). Langreth and Vosko calculated correlation contributions to the Hohenberg-Kohn energy response function Kxc(q,k). They claimed that the results ...
  • Comment on `Quantum-mechanical interpretation of the exchange-correlation potential of Kohn-Sham density-functional theory' 

    Rasolt, M., D. J. W. Geldart, M. K. Harbola, and V. Sahni. 1990. "Comment on `Quantum-mechanical interpretation of the exchange-correlation potential of Kohn-Sham density-functional theory'." Physical Review Letters 65(2): 276-7. Copyright © 1990 American Physical Society.
    For original paper see M.K. Harbola and V. Sahni, ibid., vol.62, p.489 (1989). Harbola and Sahni suggested a procedure for constructing the exchange-correlation potential that enters the Kohn-Sham single-particle equations. ...
  • Coefficients to O (Epsilon-3) for the Mixed Fixed-Point of the Nm-Component Field Model 

    DEBELL, K., and DJW GELDART. 1985. "Coefficients to O (Epsilon-3) for the Mixed Fixed-Point of the Nm-Component Field Model." Physical Review B 32(7): 4763-4765. Copyright © 1985 American Physical Society.
    No abstract available.
  • Critical exponents and amplitude ratios from electrical resistivity measurements of dysprosium 

    Malmstrom, G., and D. J. W. Geldart. 1980. "Critical exponents and amplitude ratios from electrical resistivity measurements of dysprosium." Physical Review B (Condensed Matter) 21(3): 1133-8. Copyright © 1980 American Physical Society.
    Resistive anomalies in helical antiferromagnets are shown to reflect the temperature dependence of the specific heat sufficiently close to the Neel temperature. The temperature dependence of superzone energy gaps does not ...
  • Adsorbate densities and surface potentials of physisorbed systems: A density-functional approach 

    Payne, S. H., H. J. Kreuzer, and D. J. W. Geldart. 1987. "Adsorbate densities and surface potentials of physisorbed systems: A density-functional approach." Physical Review B (Condensed Matter) 35(18): 9489-93. Copyright © 1987 American Physical Society.
    A density-functional approach for the calculation of the density of particles adsorbed on the surface of a solid is explored including the adparticle two-body interaction. The coverages and effective surface potentials so ...