Now showing items 61-80 of 211

  • The Relationship Between Stellar and Black-Hole Mass in Submillimeter Galaxies 

    Borys, C., Ian Smail, S. C. Chapman, A. W. Blain, et al. 2005. "The Relationship Between Stellar and Black-Hole Mass in Submillimeter Galaxies." The Astrophysical Journal 635(2): 853-863
    We analyze deep X-ray, optical and mid-infrared Spitzer observations of the CDF-N/GOODS-N region to study 13 submillimeter-detected galaxies (SMGs) with spectroscopic redshifts (median z=2.2). We find a correlation between ...
  • The LABOCA survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: A photometric redshift survey of submillimetre galaxies 

    Wardlow, J. L., Ian Smail, K. E. K. Coppin, D. M. Alexander, et al. 2010. "The LABOCA survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: A photometric redshift survey of submillimetre galaxies." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 415:1479.
    [abridged] We derive photometric redshifts from 17-band optical to mid-IR photometry of 74 robust counterparts to 68 of the 126 submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) selected at 870um by LABOCA observations in the ECDFS. The median ...
  • A Fully-Identified Sample of AEGIS20 Microjansky Radio Sources 

    Willner, S. P., M. L. N. Ashby, P. Barmby, S. C. Chapman, et al. 2012. "A Fully-Identified Sample of AEGIS20 Microjansky Radio Sources." 756(1)
    Infrared 3.6 to 8 micron images of the Extended Groth Strip yield plausible counterpart identifications for all but one of 510 radio sources in the AEGIS20 S(1.4 GHz) > 50 micro-Jy sample. This is the first such deep sample ...
  • Constraining Dust and Molecular Gas Properties in Lyman Alpha Blobs at z 3 

    Yang, Yujin, Roberto Decarli, Helmut Dannerbauer, Fabian Walter, et al. 2011. "Constraining Dust and Molecular Gas Properties in Lyman Alpha Blobs at z 3." The Astrophysical Journal 744:178.
    In order to constrain the bolometric luminosities, dust properties and molecular gas content of giant Lyman alpha nebulae, the so-called Lyman alpha blobs, we have carried out a study of dust continuum and CO line emission ...
  • Non Axi-symmetric Anisotropy of Solar Wind Turbulence 

    Turner, A. J., G. Gogoberidze, S. C. Chapman, B. Hnat, et al. 2011. "Non Axi-symmetric Anisotropy of Solar Wind Turbulence." 107(9)
    A key prediction of turbulence theories is frame-invariance, and in magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence, axisymmetry of fluctuations with respect to the background magnetic field. Paradoxically the power in fluctuations ...
  • The HDF-North SCUBA Super-map II: Multi-wavelength properties 

    Borys, C., D. Scott, S. C. Chapman, M. Halpern, et al. 2004. "The HDF-North SCUBA Super-map II: Multi-wavelength properties." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 355(2): 485-503
    We present radio, optical and X-ray detected counterparts to the sub-mm sources found using SCUBA in the Hubble Deep Field North region (GOODS-N). A new counterpart identification statistic is developed to identify properties ...
  • The origin of [Fe II] emission in NGC 4151 

    Turner, James E. H., Jeremy Allington-Smith, Scott Chapman, Robert Content, et al. 2002. "The origin of [Fe II] emission in NGC 4151." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 331(2): 284-292
    The centre of NGC 4151 has been observed in the J-band with the SMIRFS integral field unit (IFU) on the UK Infrared Telescope. A map of [Fe II] emission is derived, and compared with the distributions of the optical narrow ...
  • Restframe Optical Spectroscopic Classifications for Submillimeter Galaxies 

    Takata, Tadafumi, Kazuhiro Sekiguchi, Ian Smail, Scott C. Chapman, et al. 2006. "Restframe Optical Spectroscopic Classifications for Submillimeter Galaxies." The Astrophysical Journal 651(2): 713-727
    We report the results of a systematic near-infrared spectroscopic survey using the Subaru, VLT and Keck Telescopes of a sample of high redshift Ultra-luminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs) mainly composed of submillimeter-selected ...
  • The structure of star clusters in the outer halo of M31 

    Tanvir, N. R., A. D. Mackey, A. M. N. Ferguson, A. P. Huxor, et al. 2012. "The structure of star clusters in the outer halo of M31." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 422:162.
    We present a structural analysis of halo star clusters in M31 based on deep Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) imaging. The clusters in our sample span a range in galactocentric projected distance ...
  • Radio imaging of the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field - III. Evolution of the radio luminosity function beyond z=1 

    Simpson, Chris, Steve Rawlings, Rob Ivision, Masayuki Akiyama, et al. 2012. "Radio imaging of the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field - III. Evolution of the radio luminosity function beyond z=1." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 421:3060.
    We present spectroscopic and eleven-band photometric redshifts for galaxies in the 100-uJy Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field radio source sample. We find good agreement between our redshift distribution and that predicted by ...
  • An ALMA survey of Sub-millimetre Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: Detection of [C II] at z=4.4 

    Swinbank, Mark, Alexander Karim, Ian Smail, Jackie Hodge, et al. 2012. "An ALMA survey of Sub-millimetre Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: Detection of [C II] at z=4.4." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 427:1066.
    We present ALMA 870-um (345GHz) observations of two sub-millimetre galaxies (SMGs) drawn from an ALMA study of the 126 sub-millimeter sources from the LABOCA Extended Chandra Deep Field South Survey (LESS). The ALMA data ...
  • Optical and Near-Infrared Integral Field Spectroscopy of the SCUBA Galaxy N2-850.4 

    Swinbank, Mark, Ian Smail, Richard Bower, Colin Borys, et al. 2005. "Optical and Near-Infrared Integral Field Spectroscopy of the SCUBA Galaxy N2-850.4." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 359(2): 401-407
    We present optical and near-infrared integral field spectroscopy of the SCUBA galaxy SMM J163650.43+405734.5 (ELAIS N2 850.4) at z=2.385. We combine Ly-alpha and H-alpha emission line maps and velocity structure with high ...
  • An ALMA Survey of Submillimeter Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: The Redshift Distribution and Evolution of Submillimeter Galaxies 

    Simpson, James, Mark Swinbank, Ian Smail, Dave Alexander, et al. 2013. "An ALMA Survey of Submillimeter Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: The Redshift Distribution and Evolution of Submillimeter Galaxies." The Astrophysical Journal 788(2):125
    We present the first photometric redshift distribution for a large unbiased sample of 870um selected submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) with robust identifications based on observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array ...
  • An ALMA Survey of Submillimetre Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: The Far-Infrared Properties of SMGs 

    Swinbank, Mark, James Simpson, Ian Smail, Chris Harrison, et al. 2014. "An ALMA Survey of Submillimetre Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: The Far-Infrared Properties of SMGs." MNRAS 438(2):1267
    We exploit ALMA 870um (345GHz) observations of submillimetre sources in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South to investigate the far-infrared properties of high-redshift submillimetre galaxies (SMGs). Using the precisely ...
  • LBQS 0103-2753: A Binary Quasar in a Major Merger 

    Shields, G. A., D. J. Rosario, V. Junkkarinen, S. C. Chapman, et al. 2011. "LBQS 0103-2753: A Binary Quasar in a Major Merger." The Astrophysical Journal 744(2):151
    We present HST and UKIRT spectra and images of the 2 kpc binary quasar LBQS 0103-2753 (z=0.858). The HST images (V- and I-band) show tidal features demonstrating that this system is a major galaxy merger in progress. A ...
  • High-resolution Millimeter Imaging of Submillimeter Galaxies 

    Tacconi, L. J., R. Neri, S. C. Chapman, R. Genzel, et al. 2006. "High-resolution Millimeter Imaging of Submillimeter Galaxies." The Astrophysical Journal 640(1): 228-240
    We present sub-arcsecond resolution IRAM PdBI interferometry of eight submillimeter galaxies at redshifts from 2 to 3.4, where we detect continuum at 1mm and/or CO lines at 3 and 1 mm. The CO 3-2/4-3 line profiles in five ...
  • Submillimeter Galaxies at z 2: Evidence for Major Mergers & Constraints on Lifetimes, IMF and CO-H2 Conversion Factor 

    Tacconi, L. J., R. Genzel, I. Smail, R. Neri, et al. 2008. "Submillimeter Galaxies at z 2: Evidence for Major Mergers & Constraints on Lifetimes, IMF and CO-H2 Conversion Factor." The Astrophysical Journal 680(1): 246-262
    We report sub-arcsecond resolution IRAM PdBI millimeter CO interferometry of four z~2 submillimeter galaxies (SMGs), and sensitive CO (3-2) flux limits toward three z 2 UV-/optically selected star forming galaxies. The new ...
  • The AGN fraction of submm-selected galaxies and contributions to the submm/mm-wave extragalactic background light 

    Serjeant, S., M. Negrello, C. Pearson, A. Mortier, et al. 2010. "The AGN fraction of submm-selected galaxies and contributions to the submm/mm-wave extragalactic background light." Astronomy and Astrophysics 514:10.
    We present a comparison of the SCUBA Half Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) at 450, 850 and 1100 microns with deep guaranteed time 15 microns AKARI FU-HYU survey data and Spitzer guaranteed time data at 3.6-24 microns ...
  • The HDF-North SCUBA Super-map I: Submillimetre maps, sources and number counts 

    Borys, C., S. C. Chapman, M. Halpern, and D. Scott. 2003. "The HDF-North SCUBA Super-map I: Submillimetre maps, sources and number counts." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 344(2): 385-398
    We investigate the emission of sub-millimetre-wave radiation from galaxies in a 165 square arcminute region surrounding the Hubble Deep Field North. The data were obtained from dedicated observing runs from our group and ...
  • The Rest-Frame Optical Properties of SCUBA Galaxies 

    Smail, Ian, S. C. Chapman, A. W. Blain, and R. J. Ivison. 2004. "The Rest-Frame Optical Properties of SCUBA Galaxies." The Astrophysical Journal 617(1):64
    We present optical and near-IR photometry of 96 dusty, far-IR luminous galaxies. We have precise spectroscopic redshifts for all these galaxies yielding a median redshift of z=2.2. The majority, 78, are submm-detected ...