Now showing items 41-60 of 211

  • Do submillimeter galaxies really trace the most massive dark matter halos? Discovery of a high-z cluster in a highly active phase of evolution 

    Chapman, S. C., A. W. Blain, R. Ibata, R. J. Ivison, et al. 2009. "Do submillimeter galaxies really trace the most massive dark matter halos? Discovery of a high-z cluster in a highly active phase of evolution." The Astrophysical Journal 691(1): 560-568
    We present detailed observations of a z~1.99 cluster of submillimeter galaxies (SMGs), discovered as the strongest redshift spike in our entire survey of ~100 SMGs across 800 square arcmin. It is the largest blank-field ...
  • Confirmation of a Dominating Hot-Dust Component in z~2 Star Forming ULIRGs 

    Casey, Caitlin M., and Scott C. Chapman. 2009. "Confirmation of a Dominating Hot-Dust Component in z~2 Star Forming ULIRGs." MNRAS 399 (1): 121
    This submission has been withdrawn.
  • First results from the UBC etch-alignment mosaic CCD 

    Chapman, S. C., G. S. Burley, and G. A. H. Walker. 1997. "First results from the UBC etch-alignment mosaic CCD." SPIE 3019
    First imaging results are obtained with a new CCD mosaic prototype (3K x 3k, 15 \mu m pixels). The CCDs are aligned using an etched socket alignment technique. Three different measurements of the alignment are made using ...
  • The Properties of Microjansky Radio Sources in the HDF-N, SSA13, and SSA22 Fields 

    Chapman, S. C., A. J. Barger, L. L. Cowie, D. Scott, et al. 2003. "The Properties of Microjansky Radio Sources in the HDF-N, SSA13, and SSA22 Fields." The Astrophysical Journal 585(1): 57-66
    (abridged) We present multiwavelength observations for a large sample of microjansky radio sources detected in ultradeep 1.4GHz maps centered on the Hubble Deep Field-North (HDF-N) and the Hawaii Survey Fields SSA13 and ...
  • A joint analysis of BLAST 250--500um and LABOCA 870um observations in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South 

    Chapin, Edward L., Scott C. Chapman, Kristen E. Coppin, Mark J. Devlin, et al. 2011. "A joint analysis of BLAST 250--500um and LABOCA 870um observations in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South." 411(1): 505-549
    We present a joint analysis of the overlapping BLAST 250, 350, 500um, and LABOCA 870um observations (from the LESS survey) of the ECDF-S. Out to z~3, the BLAST filters sample near the peak wavelength of far-infrared (FIR) ...
  • The bi-variate luminosity-color distribution of IRAS galaxies, and implications for the high redshift Universe 

    Chapman, S. C., G. Helou, G. F. Lewis, and D. A. Dale. 2003. "The bi-variate luminosity-color distribution of IRAS galaxies, and implications for the high redshift Universe." 588(1): 186-198
    We present a characterization of the local luminosity-color, bi-variate distribution of IRAS galaxies from the 1.2Jy sample, selected at 60 micron. The S60/S100 infrared color is used as the best single parameter description ...
  • SPT 0538-50: Physical conditions in the ISM of a strongly lensed dusty star-forming galaxy at z=2.8 

    Bothwell, M. S., J. E. Aguirre, S. C. Chapman, D. P. Marrone, et al. 2013. "SPT 0538-50: Physical conditions in the ISM of a strongly lensed dusty star-forming galaxy at z=2.8." Astrophysical Journal, 779 (1):67
    We present observations of SPT-S J053816-5030.8, a gravitationally-lensed dusty star forming galaxy (DSFG) at z = 2.7817, first discovered at millimeter wavelengths by the South Pole Telescope. SPT 0538-50 is typical of ...
  • Deep SAURON Spectral-Imaging of the diffuse Lyman-alpha halo LAB1 in SSA22 

    Bower, Richard, S. L. Morris, R. Bacon, R. J. Wilman, et al. 2004. "Deep SAURON Spectral-Imaging of the diffuse Lyman-alpha halo LAB1 in SSA22." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 351(1): 63-69
    We have used the SAURON panoramic integral field spectrograph to study the structure of the Ly-alpha emission-line halo, LAB1, surrounding the sub-millimeter galaxy SMM J221726+0013. This emission-line halo was discovered ...
  • Using SCUBA to place upper limits on arcsecond scale CMB anisotropies at 850 microns 

    Borys, Colin, Scott C. Chapman, and Douglas Scott. 1999. "Using SCUBA to place upper limits on arcsecond scale CMB anisotropies at 850 microns." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 308(2): 527-538
    The SCUBA instrument on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope has already had an impact on cosmology by detecting relatively large numbers of dusty galaxies at high redshift. Apart from identifying well-detected sources, such ...
  • The GALEX Ultraviolet Virgo Cluster Survey (GUViCS). I: The UV luminosity function of the central 12 sq.deg 

    Boselli, A., S. Boissier, S. Heinis, L. Cortese, et al. 2011. "The GALEX Ultraviolet Virgo Cluster Survey (GUViCS). I: The UV luminosity function of the central 12 sq.deg." Astronomy and astrophysics 528: 107.
    The GALEX Ultraviolet Virgo Cluster Survey (GUViCS) is a complete blind survey of the Virgo cluster covering about 40 sq. deg. in the far UV (FUV, lambda_eff=1539A, Delta-lambda=442A) and about 120 sq. deg. in the near UV ...
  • High-resolution CO and radio imaging of ULIRGs: extended CO structures, and implications for the universal star formation law 

    Bothwell, M. S., S. C. Chapman, L. Tacconi, Ian Smail, et al. 2009. "High-resolution CO and radio imaging of ULIRGs: extended CO structures, and implications for the universal star formation law." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 405(1): 219.
    We present high spatial resolution (0.4", ~3.5 kpc) PdBI interferometric data on three ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) at z~2: two submillimetre galaxies and one submillimetre faint star forming radio galaxy. The ...
  • A survey of molecular gas in luminous sub-millimetre galaxies 

    Bothwell, M. S., Ian Smail, S. C. Chapman, R. Genzel, et al. 2012. "A survey of molecular gas in luminous sub-millimetre galaxies." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 429(4): 3047.
    We present the results from a survey for 12CO emission in 40 luminous sub-millimetre galaxies (SMGs), with 850um fluxes of S850 = 4 - 20 mJy, conducted with the Plateau de Bure Interferometer. We detect 12CO emission in ...
  • The X-ray Spectral Properties of SCUBA Galaxies 

    Alexander, D. M., F. E. Bauer, S. C. Chapman, I. Smail, et al. 2005. "The X-ray Spectral Properties of SCUBA Galaxies." The Astrophysical Journal 632(2): 736-750
    Deep SCUBA surveys have uncovered a large population of massive submm galaxies (SMGs) at z>~1. Although it is generally believed that these galaxies host intense star-formation activity, there is growing evidence that a ...
  • Integral Field Spectroscopy of 2.0<z<2.7 Sub-mm Galaxies; gas morphologies and kinematics 

    Alaghband-Zadeh, S., S. C. Chapman, A. M. Swinbank, Ian Smail, et al. 2012. "Integral Field Spectroscopy of 2.0<z<2.7 Sub-mm Galaxies; gas morphologies and kinematics." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 424:2232.
    We present two-dimensional, integral field spectroscopy covering the rest-frame wavelengths of strong optical emission lines in nine sub-mm-luminous galaxies (SMGs) at 2.0&lt;z&lt;2.7. The GEMINI-NIFS and VLT-SINFONI imaging ...
  • A SCUBA Scanmap of the Hubble Deep Field: Measuring the bright end of the sub-mm source counts 

    Borys, Colin, Scott Chapman, Mark Halpern, and Douglas Scott. 2002. "A SCUBA Scanmap of the HDF: Measuring the bright end of the sub-mm source counts." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 330(3): 63-L67
    Using the 850 micron SCUBA camera on the JCMT and a scanning technique different from other sub-mm surveys, we have obtained a 125 square arcminute map centered on the Hubble Deep Field. The one-sigma sensitivity to point ...
  • An SZ-selected sample of the most massive galaxy clusters in the 2500-square-degree South Pole Telescope survey 

    Williamson, R., B. A. Benson, F. W. High, K. Vanderlinde, et al. 2011. "An SZ-selected sample of the most massive galaxy clusters in the 2500-square-degree South Pole Telescope survey." The Astrophysical Journal 738:139.
    The South Pole Telescope (SPT) is currently surveying 2500 deg^2 of the southern sky to detect massive galaxy clusters out to the epoch of their formation using the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. This paper presents a ...
  • Measurement of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Increment in Massive Galaxy Clusters 

    Zemcov, Michael, Mark Halpern, Colin Borys, Scott Chapman, et al. 2003. "Measurement of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Increment in Massive Galaxy Clusters." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 346(4): 1179-1188
    We have detected the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) increment at 850 microns in two galaxy clusters (Cl 0016+16 and MS 1054.4-0321) using SCUBA (Sub-millimetre Common User Bolometer Array) on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. ...
  • HerMES: Candidate Gravitationally Lensed Galaxies and Lensing Statistics at Submillimeter Wavelengths 

    Wardlow, Julie L., Asantha Cooray, Francesco De Bernardis, A. Amblard, et al. 2012. "HerMES: Candidate Gravitationally Lensed Galaxies and Lensing Statistics at Submillimeter Wavelengths." The Astrophysical Journal 762:59.
    We present a list of 13 candidate gravitationally lensed submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) from 95 square degrees of the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey, a surface density of 0.14\pm0.04deg^{-2}. The selected sources ...
  • Characterization of Extragalactic 24micron Sources in the Spitzer First Look Survey 

    Yan, Lin, G. Helou, D. Fadda, F. R. Marleau, et al. 2004. "Characterization of Extragalactic 24micron Sources in the Spitzer First Look Survey." The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 154(1): 60-65
    In this Letter, we present the initial characterization of extragalactic 24um sources in the Spitzer First Look Survey (FLS) by examining their counterparts at 8um and R-band. The color-color diagram of 24-to-8 vs. 24-to-0.7um ...
  • The Infrared Counterparts of the Optically Unidentified CDF-S 1Ms Sources 

    Yan, Haojing, Rogier A. Windhorst, Huub J. A. Rottgering, Seth H. Cohen, et al. 2003. "The Infrared Counterparts of the Optically Unidentified CDF-S 1Ms Sources." The Astrophysical Journal 585(1): 67-72
    The Chandra Deep Field South (CDF-S) 1Ms exposure produced a catalog of 346 X-ray sources, of which 59 were not visible on the VLT/FORS1 and the ESO-MPI/WFI deep R-band images to a limit of R_{vega}=26.1--26.7 mag. Using ...