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dc.contributor.authorMedical Society of Nova Scotia
dc.identifier.citationNova Scotia Medical Bulletin 14(12), 1935en_US
dc.descriptionpp. 629-674en_US
dc.publisherMedical Society of Nova Scotiaen_US
dc.subjectClinical significance of cardial asthma, The [Title]en_US
dc.subjectDickie, Walter Reginalden_US
dc.subjectDigestive System Diseasesen_US
dc.subjectDowd, Peter J.en_US
dc.subjectElliott, Malcolm Robertsonen_US
dc.subjectGangrenous appendicitis [Case report] [Title]en_US
dc.subjectGenerous gift makes annex available for treatment of tuberculosisen_US
dc.subjectHaemorrhage of the new-born [Case report] [Title]en_US
dc.subjectInfant, Newborn, Diseasesen_US
dc.subjectKelley, Hugh Edgaren_US
dc.subjectKolmer vaccine [Title],en_US
dc.subjectLamey, J.R.en_US
dc.subjectLongley, I.F.en_US
dc.subjectLunenburg, N.S.en_US
dc.subjectMacDougall, John Georgeen_US
dc.subjectMalignancy of the tongue [Case report] [Title]en_US
dc.subjectMcGrath, J.P.en_US
dc.subjectMiller, Arthur Fredericken_US
dc.subjectMurphy, Arthur L.en_US
dc.subjectO'Connell, J.I.en_US
dc.subjectOperative treatment of bronchiectasis, The [Title]en_US
dc.subjectOur Christmas editorial [Title]en_US
dc.subjectRespiratory Tract Diseasesen_US
dc.subjectSeminoma of the testicle [Case report] [Title]en_US
dc.subjectShaffner, Vernon Douglasen_US
dc.subjectSigns and Symptomsen_US
dc.subjectSmith, M.A.B.en_US
dc.subjectSome basic factors in the diagnosis and treatment of bronchiectasis [Read before the Dalhousie Refresher Course, Halifax, Aug.28, 1935] [Title]en_US
dc.subjectWestern Nova Scotia Medical Associationen_US
dc.titleNova Scotia Medical Bulletin 14(12), 1935en_US
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